
Why the Ridge Racer hate?

I've always loved the Ridge Racer games (With the exception of Ridge Racer V), and I personally believe Ridge Racers is the best in the series bar none. :) I've been literally playing it solid since I bought it, and even though i'm close to finishing it, I would NEVER consider it 'Boring'.

I understand opinions are opinions. :) I just think it's a superb game.

On to Lumines next! Once i've sold some stuff on ebay... :ph34r:
It WAS kinda funny... Ridge Racers was like... THE game everyone bought with their systems when the Japanese unit launched, but then slowly it just kinda faded and for the US launch it seems most people could care less about RR... most are getting NFS or Wipeout instead. I still like the game... played the hell out of it when I first got it, still haven't finished it but like 3/4 of the way done with it... just too damn easy IMO but still fun to play a race or two now and then.

I retreat to RR usually after Wipeout totally humiliates me... I have to play RR to feel like a man again :P Still haven't got the hang of Wipeout....
I'll be getting Ridge Racers because I need something to 'show off' my PSP with, and that looks like it'll give me a quick thrill. Plus it's one of the cheaper games, now.

I've never been a fan of Wipeout, but I'm tempted by it. I think it's because I instincvely compare it to F Zero.
I love my psp. Its great and i also have a DS but after wario ware was finished its pretty much on the shelf as of now, untill a decent RPG comes out for it.

I love it almost as much as she does down there on my sig :D
Twinbee posted on Apr 3 2005 at 02:18 AM said:
Why the Ridge Racer hate?

I've always loved the Ridge Racer games (With the exception of Ridge Racer V), and I personally believe Ridge Racers is the best in the series bar none. :) I've been literally playing it solid since I bought it, and even though i'm close to finishing it, I would NEVER consider it 'Boring'.

I understand opinions are opinions. :) I just think it's a superb game.

On to Lumines next! Once i've sold some stuff on ebay... :ph34r:

Well I reckon Ridge Racer 5 and even Type 4 was a much much better game.
I don't like Ridge Racers ibecuase:

Too easy
Every track looks the same
Fairly boring gameplay
Music sucks

Also once I started getting into the really high speed races, I just kind of zoned out from the game and was like half asleep while my fingers just pressed, Left, Right sliding around corners in a dreamy state. It was a weird experience. The game is just not exciting. The heart never gets pumping, no adrenaline, nothing.
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I would say, once you get into the higher speed classes, the speed of wipeout compares favorably with that of F-zero... this game does get pretty fast.

I too had an instinctive dislike of Wipeout, being a huge fan of F-zero for some time now. Having played quite a bit of Wipeout on my PSP now (my first Wipeout experience) I have grown to like it, but still not as much as F-zero.

My reasons for this are 1) the craft in Wipeout are just too damn floaty... while this makes sense for hover craft, it makes the game harder to control than it needs to be, IMO, and 2) I really... really don't like racing games with weapons. Well... with the exception of Mario Kart, but even then.... it's just VERY frickin annoying to do really good in a race, make it to first place, hold everyone off until the last bit of that last lap and WHAM someone hits you with a missile from behind or some cheap shit like that and you go from first to... well whatever position really it doesn't matter because whatever position you fall back to it ain't first! Cheesy stuff like this keeps happening to me in Wipeout and it really pisses me off and has almost had me throwing my PSP on the ground...

So I still prefer F-zero, the controls are much more solid IMO and the lack of weapons makes the racing a lot more fair, plus in F-zero there are a lot more competitors on the track which also makes the racing a lot more intense and interesting.

But for a racing game on PSP, I think Wipeout is the best one out of Wipeout, RR, and NFS.
It all depends on taste, I think the weapons give more strategy and the handling is how a hovercraft would move, while I see no point and don't see any appeal for me in racing normally with futuristic cars. I'd rather race with real cars :). Having said that I haven't played Pure yet and until I do I'm talking about how good wipeout XL was. Once I play Pure I'll do a review :P
kotd posted on Apr 3 2005 at 01:33 AM said:
Twinbee posted on Apr 3 2005 at 02:18 AM said:
Why the Ridge Racer hate?

I've always loved the Ridge Racer games (With the exception of Ridge Racer V), and I personally believe Ridge Racers is the best in the series bar none. :) I've been literally playing it solid since I bought it, and even though i'm close to finishing it, I would NEVER consider it 'Boring'.

I understand opinions are opinions. :) I just think it's a superb game.

On to Lumines next! Once i've sold some stuff on ebay... :ph34r:

Well I reckon Ridge Racer 5 and even Type 4 was a much much better game.
I don't like Ridge Racers ibecuase:

Too easy
Every track looks the same
Fairly boring gameplay
Music sucks

Also once I started getting into the really high speed races, I just kind of zoned out from the game and was like half asleep while my fingers just pressed, Left, Right sliding around corners in a dreamy state. It was a weird experience. The game is just not exciting. The heart never gets pumping, no adrenaline, nothing.
Hmm - I will agree on the difficulty level, despite the fact that there are PLENTY of races to do, they do seem too easy.

On the tracks however I wouldn't agree... Having played the entire series (bar Rage Racer, which I never even saw in action!), I find it quite easy to distinguish the tracks. Just my opinion, once again.

Gameplay... Now I would compare this situation to Outrun 2. While there were people that said the game sucked because of the whole way drifting worked and the fact that it was just samey, it's the same kind of thing with this... I really, really enjoyed how Outrun 2 felt, and i'm currently feeling the same way with RR. Even if it is repetitive, I still can't help but smile whenever I pull off a nitrous drift and i've almost finished the game. :) I can understand what you mean though...

Music, just as everything else in this game is, is personal taste. I personally LOVE a lot of the tracks. Especially through my father's speaker setup for his PC... Subwoofer n'all. Bassrider and Rotterdam Nation Remix sound AMAZING through it. :)
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i've yet to play ridge racers, but i know it's not as good as wipeout :D man, i love that game!
for me it's got it all, but i can see how it may turn off others. the feel of the game is very different compared to traditional racers, and wipeout wouldn't be wipeout without the powerups/weapons. and you can't compare it to f-zero directly since it has that floaty feel bast mentioned. with wipeout it's more of a challenge to control the ship, and in the later leagues it becomes more of a battle to not destroy your ship.

btw, how far have you guys gotten in the game? zone, tournament?
Twinbee posted on Apr 4 2005 at 04:10 AM said:
kotd posted on Apr 3 2005 at 01:33 AM said:
Twinbee posted on Apr 3 2005 at 02:18 AM said:
Why the Ridge Racer hate?

I've always loved the Ridge Racer games (With the exception of Ridge Racer V), and I personally believe Ridge Racers is the best in the series bar none. :) I've been literally playing it solid since I bought it, and even though i'm close to finishing it, I would NEVER consider it 'Boring'.

I understand opinions are opinions. :) I just think it's a superb game.

On to Lumines next! Once i've sold some stuff on ebay...  :ph34r:

Well I reckon Ridge Racer 5 and even Type 4 was a much much better game.
I don't like Ridge Racers ibecuase:

Too easy
Every track looks the same
Fairly boring gameplay
Music sucks

Also once I started getting into the really high speed races, I just kind of zoned out from the game and was like half asleep while my fingers just pressed, Left, Right sliding around corners in a dreamy state. It was a weird experience. The game is just not exciting. The heart never gets pumping, no adrenaline, nothing.
Hmm - I will agree on the difficulty level, despite the fact that there are PLENTY of races to do, they do seem too easy.

On the tracks however I wouldn't agree... Having played the entire series (bar Rage Racer, which I never even saw in action!), I find it quite easy to distinguish the tracks. Just my opinion, once again.

Gameplay... Now I would compare this situation to Outrun 2. While there were people that said the game sucked because of the whole way drifting worked and the fact that it was just samey, it's the same kind of thing with this... I really, really enjoyed how Outrun 2 felt, and i'm currently feeling the same way with RR. Even if it is repetitive, I still can't help but smile whenever I pull off a nitrous drift and i've almost finished the game. :) I can understand what you mean though...

Music, just as everything else in this game is, is personal taste. I personally LOVE a lot of the tracks. Especially through my father's speaker setup for his PC... Subwoofer n'all. Bassrider and Rotterdam Nation Remix sound AMAZING through it. :)
Yeah thats fair enough. What I meant by non distinct tracks is that the tracks use the same textures on nearly all the levels, hence looking like your racing in one neighbourhood. I think the night tracks were awesome, but not enough.

yeah the music quality is great and as you said, its down to personal taste, I really liked the commentator though, but for good music you can't beat NFSU Rivals :)
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no way man, for good music you can't beat wipeout! NFSU, bleckh! i get enough of that from my friends
True wipeout has awesome music as well. Especially in XL
BTW I didn't like most the Rap songs in Rivals, I turned them off the playlist, I liked the songs by the bands.
yeah man i like your faq :D

SO, how far have you guys gotten in wipeout? and bast, how far have you gotten in acid? man, i love that game now! i haven't played much so i'm only to the point after you get the c4 from the armory.
the FAMAS are nice :)
Wipeout I have made it to the third speed-class in the tournament mode, which is Flash league if I remember right, and was only able to get up to a silver in the first batch of tracks, Alpha, after trying for like 3 hours to get a gold. Haven't tried Beta yet in Flash league. Have got all golds in all three batches of tracks in the first two speed classes, Viper and Venom I think they're called?

In MGA, the Japanese one, I got very close to the end of the game, like two missions away from the end, but I knew I wanted to get the US one and play thru it in english so decided not to finish the game. Now on US one I'm up to the 6th or 7th mission I forget... but still loving every minute of it... I don't care if IGN didn't like it I think this is a GREAT game. Since the missions play out differently every time based one what cards you bring and are dealt I dont even feel it a waste playing thru all these missions again. Too bad about the Multiplayer aspect, I hear it kinda sux, or else I'd be trying to get other people to play this with, I imagine this would be as fun in multiplayer as Advance Wars!