Psp Go Emulators?

Sorry, I'm blank, how does one even install homebrew on a go anyway? Is it the same process as the other PSPs?
Jourdy288 said:
Sorry, I'm blank, how does one even install homebrew on a go anyway? Is it the same process as the other PSPs?

It is similar to the eairly days of psp hacking before custom firmware, it's a HEN (homebrew enabler) ran from a save exploit from patapon 2 (or other games)

it's only a userland exploit (not kernel or similar to full root access) so the emulation performance is garbage atm... they are said to use e-fuses or something similar so downgrading possibly bricks the device. I keep my eye on that community from time to time to see if they fully "cracked" the psp-go once they do I will jump on board, but until then the performance is too garbage for me to care enough to get one.

I do like the hardware design and internal storage a lot though.
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From what I've read, there's going to be a homebrew enabler released soon. And from what I've seen, it allows homebrew launching from the menu temporarily after performing the Patapon 2 demo exploit. I've heard that this means great things, but nothing's confirmed. It sounds promising enough that I'll get a PSP Go. Even if nothing big happens, I'm still 50% in it for retail games and then I can use my Wiz for all else (because using the HBL seems like a pain and the screen is still fantastic on the Wiz)

EDIT (12/23/10): It's released. There are various problems, but it's real. It should improve with time, and with support.