Psp: Any Good Infrastructure Multiplayer Games?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I'm looking for a decent multiplayer game for PSP over the net (not ad-hoc mode); most MP games ar ad-hoc mode..

Twisted Metal just sucks, so don't bring it up ;)

Infected any good?

Anything else?

Man, that platform needs a decent FPS; Coded Arms is not qualified to be called ass :/

I've heard infected is good but I've yet to play it. Aside from the few games you mentioned I'm not sure there are many games that support infrastructure mode yet...
I looked at IGN and it sounded 'okay', but with 'anemic' for multiplayer online.. so thats out. (ie: 2 player head to head when its across the net.. 2 player only wouldn't be all that fun :)

/me wants Quake 3 with multiplayer :)


I have Twisted Metal and Madden 06

Twisted Metal is very fun online, more fun that Mario Kart DS in my opinion.
Forget Madden 06, its so buggy and 90% of the time doesn't even connect or work. Extremely disappointed.
There are a lot of games that would kick ass in infrastructure mode. Burnout for instance, GTA would be killer. but oh well, we'll just have to wait.

In defense of Mario kart, that almost made me buy a DS this week Twisted metal? no... I was done with that after the 3rd sequel, and even TM:Black which kinda brought me back for awhile eventually turned me off to the franchise.
Anyone know if tiger woods (not '06) is infrastructure?

the back of the box claims it is but I can't find anything in the instruction booklet or in game ;) .

How about ridge racers? Is that anygood online? I had it and it was really fun but never had online
you HAVE to get Socom man, it arrived through the post yesterday and ive gotta say its incredible, the online multiplayer is really comprehensive with ranking systems and all that
bringoutthegimp posted on Dec 11 2005 at 03:48 PM said:
you HAVE to get Socom man, it arrived through the post yesterday and ive gotta say its incredible, the online multiplayer is really comprehensive with ranking systems and all that

I'm hoping to get it for XMas from my wife; if not, I'll pick it up boxing day :)

I'm getting back into Wipeout again for now, after being unable to proceed in GTA:LCS :p

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Alpha2 posted on Dec 12 2005 at 02:25 AM said:
the confusing thing is there are a huge amount of PSP games thet say infrastructure but arn't really.

It doesn't say that anywhere on the back of the packaging. I remember because i was looking for an online game to buy and looked at almost every game available a couple months ago and i was disappointed that Ridge Racer wasn't online.
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Anyone konw when SOCOM is out in UK? really want that, looks amazing. I got fifa 06 (god help me) because i wanted to try out the infrastructure mode. I found out that you had to register it olnine to use the online mode, so i tryed and tryed yet the code waas supposedly "Not for this game" i gave up, took it back and got pro evo, althoguh no master league sucks :(