GP32 [proposal] Gp2x Development Wiki

SDL_mixer don't seem to be supported. At least that's what the "leaked" files show.
The gpx2 scene will need all the coders it can get but also some greater artist and sound mixers (or makers, basically someone to make soundtracks) are aslo needed. Sure many of the homebrew games made for the gp32 where fantastic but on the visaul and audio side they were pretty pants.
Not everyone is a coder, but there are some great artists out there who need to make thier presence felt in the sence.
Great idea... I have used wiki's in the passed they are verry good for accessibility and easiness.
i think we should promote this to the gp2x sites at some time.

having everything gp2x development related in a central place is (my personal?) #1 goal,
so it's better to have as much awareness (is this even a word?) of other developers (sorry: the whole gp2x scene) as possible.

so no one has the idea to start a seperate gp2x tutorial page.
pea posted on Oct 6 2005 at 08:06 PM said:
...and was far as I know pea has on his website a way to share gp32 code (and snippets) but nearly no one used it

This is true :). No-one posted (well, a few did, which was fun) but there have been many hits so some are at least looking at them (3700+)
A lot of those will still be useful in a gp2x environment, because a lot of things haven't changed - we still have an ARM CPU with Thumb extensions, still need fixed point routines, etc. I think the wiki should mention Pea's page, if it doesn't already.
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lol2232 posted on Oct 10 2005 at 06:04 PM said:
Good... good.

BTW: What does everyone think about my redesign of the Suggestion Box (the tables)?
I like it, especially the 'language' part.
Well done :)
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.eg posted on Oct 10 2005 at 05:09 PM said:
I like it, especially the 'language' part.
Well done :)

Ya... I did not like having to click the link to go find what the language was... it makes it alot easier if
you are looking for games to port, because all you have to do is find the language you are comfortable with.
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no_skill posted on Oct 9 2005 at 06:57 PM said:
oh no!

exactly what i didn't want to happen is on the way

Empyre posted on Oct 4 2005 at 02:23 PM said:
Damn! I was in the middle of setting up something similar at oh well lol

My site doesn't feature any banner advertising or 'donation' buttons tho ;)

Would you be happier if I linked to your wiki from the "Wiki" button on my site? It's no big deal, you beat me by announcng your site first so mine is now relegated to being just my mad rantings and not the scene developer home like I hoped.
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