Pronterface/Printrun - Build request

After some frustration (mostly related to me forgetting that Pandora has a USB host software toggle, needing a usb hub, and having to add myself to the dialout group) I also printed a file I had previously sliced on my desktop.  Just a 20x20x10mm calibration "cube" to see if it would work.  

It all seems to work pretty well once set up.  If I set the panel to autohide I can even see the whole program.  

I may have to draw up and print out a little dock for the pandora to sit on top the machine.

Thanks so much ptitSeb!  1000 more internet points for you if you can figure out slic3r.
@TrashyMG: That video is great :) ! 1st 3D Printing from a Panodra.

I'll look at that slicer issue. I'll frst try to fix skeinforge if it's easy (like, some small missing dependencies), and have a serious look at Slic3r after that.
Here is a new build of Printrun.

It will need the new build of wxPython.pnd just updated.

I think I have fixed the file error, skeinforge is now in the correct path and the setting dialog is showing (with build 02 of wxPython only).

Still no Slic3r, as it's a perl program and need a whole lots of new files (I started doing it, so the file size increase, but it's not finished, and to compile Slic3r, I had to inibit thoses 2 tests, so not sure it's functionning well enough)  :(



  • printrun.pnd
    16 MB · Views: 205
hmm skienforge still doesn't launch when you bring up slicer options.. mounted the pnd manually and ran the runscript to see any debug messages...

Entering slicer settings: python skeinforge/skeinforge_application/
You do not have Tkinter, which is needed for the graphical interface, you will only be able to use the command line.
Information on how to download Tkinter is at:
Edit: I can confirm saves are working just fine on a fat32 SD card.
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hmm skienforge still doesn't launch when you bring up slicer options.. mounted the pnd manually and ran the runscript to see any debug messages...

Entering slicer settings: python skeinforge/skeinforge_application/
You do not have Tkinter, which is needed for the graphical interface, you will only be able to use the command line.
Information on how to download Tkinter is at:

Edit: I can confirm saves are working just fine on a fat32 SD card.
Oh :(

I tried with codeblocks mounted, so it worked. I have to a closer look (just to confirm, you updated wxpython first, because the tcl/tk libs are there).
Yeah It should of been updated.. I downloaded the new PND and cleared out my appdata.

Let me re-download just to confirm.
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Yeah It should of been updated.. I downloaded the new PND and cleared out my appdata.

Let me re-download just to confirm.
I'll try to fix that... Will relanch it tomorow and see with a losf | grep python what lib I may be missing (or maybe it's not a lib, I don't know tcl/tk very well)...
redownloaded.. no go.. However this time it spit out more details.

Entering slicer settings: python skeinforge/skeinforge_application/
this should never happen, getDisplayedDialogFromConstructor in settings could not open
<__main__.SkeinforgeRepository instance at 0x3e8dc8>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/utmp/printrun/skeinforge/fabmetheus_utilities/", line 193, in getDisplayedDialogFromConstructor
return RepositoryDialog( repository, Tkinter.Tk() )
File "/mnt/utmp/wxpython/lib/python2.7/lib-tk/", line 1685, in __init__ = _tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className, interactive, wantobjects, useTk, sync, use)
TclError: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:
/mnt/utmp/codeblocks/usr/lib/tcl8.5 /mnt/utmp/wxpython/lib/tcl8.5 /mnt/utmp/lib/tcl8.5 /mnt/utmp/wxpython/library /mnt/utmp/library /mnt/utmp/tcl8.5.13/library /mnt/tcl8.5.13/library

This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.

Warning, displayedDialogFromConstructor in settings is none, so the window will not be displayed.
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Ok. This is helpfull :) Looks like I can easily fix that by adding the tcl/tk libs just inside the wxpython/lib folder. I will update wxpython soon...
I suspect you have to set TCL_LIBRARY and TK_LIBRARY.
I haven't set thoses 2 variables in codeblocks and it runs. What are their used? To set the lib folder? It seems the default search path includes /mnt/utmp/wxpython/lib/tcl8.5 so putting files here should be enough?
Yes, that should be good enough. I was assuming that they were already included in a different path. Sorry for not having checked.
^ Great that did the trick.. now to learn how to configure skeinforge properly..
Nice!, You have a pretty nice setup..

 FYI I've had some success with Slic3r, even though it fails some of the tests after compiling, It seems to slice everything I throw at it fine. so maybe it's okay?...  Ptitseb is going to try to bundle up all the perl dependencies and add it to the PND.