Problems With Usb Host


Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder
Staff member
Dec 8, 2005
Well here's the deal... I have modded my TV-out cable into a longer S-Video, composite and powered USB host. The mod was a success and I can use s-Video composite, and I have tried an USB mouse on Quake, and a joystick on the joytest that was released it all works!

What doesn't work is the ext option in the GP2X menu. the hard disk appears to be detected and installed... but it's not being mounted, or setup for access properly, as in I can't browse it in the ext option... I have tried with both my iPod video and an external USB drive I have.

any idea what the problem could be?

PS: I have also tried reflashing the 2.00 firmware... but for some bizarre reason my SD card won't flash the GP2X anymore... *sigh* I figure some setting has become invalid relating to ext drives... and reflashing was my attempt a fixing this.
When the USB network feature was added, I tried mapping a shared folder on my pc to the ext option... I never got this working either... this makes me think that it is related to the current problem.
sorry, but *BUMP*

And I managed to reflash the firmware (I am a tool.. I forgot that in FW 2.0 you have to hold Start and Select!! >_>) but still I can't see the usb disk... how would I manually mount it or whatever just so I can access it?
I've had this very problem. If I telnetted into the 2x I could see the sda in the dev folder, but it wasn't getting mounted as EXT.
In the end I wrote gpu script to mount it for me once I'd started the USB host up.
My 2x unit has just been returned today, so I'll be trying it again shortly, see if there's any difference.

To mount it manually I used this script:
mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/ext
Assuming it is in the "dev" folder as "sda1" and formatted as FAT or FAT32 it'll come up as EXT! (I hope!)
Just tested my new 2x and I needed to Telnet into it first, cd into mnt and "mkdir ext" before that script would work.

Might have bew why it's not appearing when the USB Storage is turned on (although I've only just though about that and I have ironing to do now!)

"appreciation" is all that's needed :)
Well... you don't even get appreciation.... *spit* it didn't work! </joking>

Hmmm... I have noticed that the following appears in /dev/ when the drive is plugged in:


I'm assuming this is standard linux behavior for handling removable drives (I'm not very linux literate, unfortunately)

I've tried mounting each of these in telnet, like your script mentions (no idea if it is correct) but each time I get "invalid arguement"

I know there is a ext directory, so that's not the problem...

I also create a gpu script out of the er... script, but still nothing appears in ext... :/

Any other ideas?
PokeParadox posted on Aug 19 2006 at 05:44 PM said:
Well... you don't even get appreciation.... *spit* it didn't work! </joking>
/me has a sad face on....
Will work on this then :)

PokeParadox posted on Aug 19 2006 at 05:44 PM said:
Hmmm... I have noticed that the nfollowing appears in /dev/ when the drive is plugged in:


I'm assuming this is standard linux behavior for handling removable drives (I'm not very linux literate, unfortunately)
You and me both, Linux is not something I have a great deal of experience with (the 2x being the bulk of it at the moment, there is an Ubuntu installer CD waiting for me when I get the chance!

Edit: seems I wasn't to post that the first time, blue screened when I hit post! All the more reason to get Linux up and running!

PokeParadox posted on Aug 19 2006 at 05:44 PM said:
I've tried mounting each of these in telnet, like your script mentions (no idea if it is correct) but each time I get "invalid arguement"

I know there is a ext directory, so that's not the problem...
When you say you know it exists, what do you mean?
Can you see it when you "ls" the "mnt" directory?
Although I could see it though the interface I didn't see it in the directory when I "ls"ed it.

PokeParadox posted on Aug 19 2006 at 05:44 PM said:
I also create a gpu script out of the er... script, but still nothing appears in ext... :/

Any other ideas?
Strange, I thought it would have worked.
No other ideas springing to mind at the moment, but then it is 11:30pm and my mind is rather fuzzy..
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BenScar posted on Aug 19 2006 at 11:24 PM said:
PokeParadox posted on Aug 19 2006 at 05:44 PM said:
I've tried mounting each of these in telnet, like your script mentions (no idea if it is correct) but each time I get "invalid arguement"

I know there is a ext directory, so that's not the problem...
When you say you know it exists, what do you mean?
Can you see it when you "ls" the "mnt" directory?
Although I could see it though the interface I didn't see it in the directory when I "ls"ed it.

Yes what I meant was, I telnetted to the ext directory and it is there when I type "ls".

This is sooo frustrating... knowing my cable mod works, but not being able to use my hard disk... although I have realised why my other external disc won't work... It's NTFS format... Still doesn't explain why the iPod won't mount though :/ (that is definitely FAT32 ...) I may try mounting my grandad's MP3 player as a drive... just to see if it's being piccy about the device.
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Linux lesson!

When you plug in an external HDD, Linux puts it and its partitions in /dev, like so:

/dev/sda - Drive
/dev/sda1 - First Partition
/dev/sda2 - Second Partition, etc.

If you have only one partition, then you want to mount /dev/sda1.

Invalid argument errors are generally caused by unrecognised arguments after options such as -t. Try removing "-t vfat" and getting mount to autodetect the filesystem.
Well I tried removing the -t command and still it says invalid args...
I borrowed a USB stick from my grandad, and a card reader.... and these were detected ok.. so the problem is with the iPod it seems...
PokeParadox posted on Aug 20 2006 at 03:20 PM said:
Well I tried removing the -t command and still it says invalid args...
I borrowed a USB stick from my grandad, and a card reader.... and these were detected ok.. so the problem is with the iPod it seems...
Yay, at least you know everything works and it's pinned down where the problem is.
So the USB stick and card reader were detected OK, did they auto mount to the EXT folder though the interface?

Shame about the IPod though...
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Yup they auto mounted... I did a bit of googling and I found this:

Which seems to me like I need a couple of modules... in order to get this working... so where would I get some ARM-Linux modules? :S

uhci_hcd <-- that more specifically

it also mentions: sbp2
but I think that this is for firewire.
Type 'lsmod' in a terminal (with your USB HDD connected and USB storage enabled in the menu) and post the output.

Also, what appears in /dev when your iPod is plugged in?
Here's what I get... doing what you said:

[root@gp2x root]$lsmod
Module				  Size  Used by
evdev				   3572   0 (unused)
mousedev				4516   0 (unused)
keybdev				 1964   0 (unused)
hid					21448   0 (unused)
input				   3640   0 [evdev mousedev keybdev hid]
usb-storage			25648   0 (unused)
sd_mod				 11360   0 (unused)
scsi_mod			   58496   2 [usb-storage sd_mod]
usb-ohci-mmsp2		  1292   0 (unused)
usb-ohci			   16504   0 [usb-ohci-mmsp2]
mmsp2_usbh			  2416   0 [usb-ohci]
usbcore				64168   0 [hid usb-storage sd_mod usb-ohci]
g_ether				21908   1
net2272				24920   0 [g_ether]
[root@gp2x root]$
[root@gp2x root]$cd..
[root@gp2x /]$
[root@gp2x /]$ls
bin		 home		mnt		 root		usr
dev		 lib		 opt		 sbin		var
etc		 lost+found  proc		tmp
[root@gp2x /]$
[root@gp2x /]$cd dev
[root@gp2x dev]$
[root@gp2x dev]$ls
GPIO	  ptyb2	 ptye9	 ptys0	 ptyv7	 ptyye	 tty30
batt	  ptyb3	 ptyea	 ptys1	 ptyv8	 ptyyf	 tty31
console   ptyb4	 ptyeb	 ptys2	 ptyv9	 ptyz0	 tty32
cua0	  ptyb5	 ptyec	 ptys3	 ptyva	 ptyz1	 tty33
cua1	  ptyb6	 ptyed	 ptys4	 ptyvb	 ptyz2	 tty34
cua2	  ptyb7	 ptyee	 ptys5	 ptyvc	 ptyz3	 tty35
cx25874   ptyb8	 ptyef	 ptys6	 ptyvd	 ptyz4	 tty36
discs	 ptyb9	 ptyp0	 ptys7	 ptyve	 ptyz5	 tty37
dsp	   ptyba	 ptyp1	 ptys8	 ptyvf	 ptyz6	 tty38
fb		ptybb	 ptyp2	 ptys9	 ptyw0	 ptyz7	 tty39
fb0	   ptybc	 ptyp3	 ptysa	 ptyw1	 ptyz8	 tty4
fb1	   ptybd	 ptyp4	 ptysb	 ptyw2	 ptyz9	 tty40
fd		ptybe	 ptyp5	 ptysc	 ptyw3	 ptyza	 tty41
full	  ptybf	 ptyp6	 ptysd	 ptyw4	 ptyzb	 tty42
initctl   ptyc0	 ptyp7	 ptyse	 ptyw5	 ptyzc	 tty43
input	 ptyc1	 ptyp8	 ptysf	 ptyw6	 ptyzd	 tty44
kmem	  ptyc2	 ptyp9	 ptyt0	 ptyw7	 ptyze	 tty45
loop	  ptyc3	 ptypa	 ptyt1	 ptyw8	 ptyzf	 tty46
loop0	 ptyc4	 ptypb	 ptyt2	 ptyw9	 random	tty47
loop1	 ptyc5	 ptypc	 ptyt3	 ptywa	 root	  tty48
loop2	 ptyc6	 ptypd	 ptyt4	 ptywb	 rtc	   tty49
loop3	 ptyc7	 ptype	 ptyt5	 ptywc	 scsi	  tty5
loop4	 ptyc8	 ptypf	 ptyt6	 ptywd	 sd		tty50
loop5	 ptyc9	 ptyq0	 ptyt7	 ptywe	 sda	   tty51
loop6	 ptyca	 ptyq1	 ptyt8	 ptywf	 sda1	  tty52
loop7	 ptycb	 ptyq2	 ptyt9	 ptyx0	 shm	   tty53
mem	   ptycc	 ptyq3	 ptyta	 ptyx1	 sound	 tty54
misc	  ptycd	 ptyq4	 ptytb	 ptyx2	 stderr	tty55
mixer	 ptyce	 ptyq5	 ptytc	 ptyx3	 stdin	 tty56
mtd	   ptycf	 ptyq6	 ptytd	 ptyx4	 stdout	tty57
mtdblock  ptyd0	 ptyq7	 ptyte	 ptyx5	 tty	   tty58
nbd	   ptyd1	 ptyq8	 ptytf	 ptyx6	 tty0	  tty59
null	  ptyd2	 ptyq9	 ptyu0	 ptyx7	 tty1	  tty6
port	  ptyd3	 ptyqa	 ptyu1	 ptyx8	 tty10	 tty60
ptmx	  ptyd4	 ptyqb	 ptyu2	 ptyx9	 tty11	 tty61
pts	   ptyd5	 ptyqc	 ptyu3	 ptyxa	 tty12	 tty62
pty	   ptyd6	 ptyqd	 ptyu4	 ptyxb	 tty13	 tty63
ptya0	 ptyd7	 ptyqe	 ptyu5	 ptyxc	 tty14	 tty7
ptya1	 ptyd8	 ptyqf	 ptyu6	 ptyxd	 tty15	 tty8
ptya2	 ptyd9	 ptyr0	 ptyu7	 ptyxe	 tty16	 tty9
ptya3	 ptyda	 ptyr1	 ptyu8	 ptyxf	 tty17	 ttyS0
ptya4	 ptydb	 ptyr2	 ptyu9	 ptyy0	 tty18	 ttyS1
ptya5	 ptydc	 ptyr3	 ptyua	 ptyy1	 tty19	 ttyS2
ptya6	 ptydd	 ptyr4	 ptyub	 ptyy2	 tty2	  ttyp0
ptya7	 ptyde	 ptyr5	 ptyuc	 ptyy3	 tty20	 urandom
ptya8	 ptydf	 ptyr6	 ptyud	 ptyy4	 tty21	 usb
ptya9	 ptye0	 ptyr7	 ptyue	 ptyy5	 tty22	 usbmouse
ptyaa	 ptye1	 ptyr8	 ptyuf	 ptyy6	 tty23	 vc
ptyab	 ptye2	 ptyr9	 ptyv0	 ptyy7	 tty24	 vcc
ptyac	 ptye3	 ptyra	 ptyv1	 ptyy8	 tty25	 vcs
ptyad	 ptye4	 ptyrb	 ptyv2	 ptyy9	 tty26	 vcs1
ptyae	 ptye5	 ptyrc	 ptyv3	 ptyya	 tty27	 vcsa
ptyaf	 ptye6	 ptyrd	 ptyv4	 ptyyb	 tty28	 vcsa1
ptyb0	 ptye7	 ptyre	 ptyv5	 ptyyc	 tty29	 vpp
ptyb1	 ptye8	 ptyrf	 ptyv6	 ptyyd	 tty3	  zero
[root@gp2x dev]$