Problems, With Stella


Dec 3, 2005
:huh: i have strange problems with STELLA 2.1 (last version)
Is difficult to made movements, UP or RIGHT.
The comands don't work well.
Someone had similar problem?
thank you.
:lol: I don't say wich is unusable, but difficult, and know if was only a my problem. ^_^
It is a known problem. The controls don't always respond after you hit a diagonal. Search for the Stella thread it is explained there.
Stella is a very good port (groovy that hes using the ScummVM menu system) .. but the controls are right buggered :) Hopefulyl he'll fix them up just a touch and then I'll go showing it around to people. (All my friends are 2600 Pacman nuts :P)

Stella is a very good port (groovy that hes using the ScummVM menu system) .. but the controls are right buggered :) Hopefulyl he'll fix them up just a touch and then I'll go showing it around to people. (All my friends are 2600 Pacman nuts :P)


It is discussed here:

He knows about the problem he just isn't sure how hard it will be to fix.

Of course the source code is available so maybe someone could help if he can't find the cause.
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