problems with scumm


Still Fresh
Sep 16, 2003
hey guys, im a long time reader, first time writer.

im posting because ive put scumm (132 version) on my gp32 along with day of the tentacle and, although the game works fine, i cant save my progress :(

i noticed the save game menu but it doesnt seem to be saving at all, so is this feature not implemented yet or am i doing something wrong?

thanks in advance for the help :)
You did check the read me did you not? ;).

Saving in gpScummVM is very easy.

Use Start to bring up the save box.
Click on 'Save' followed by the slot you want to use.
The hold down 'R' and use 'Up' and 'Down' on the stick to use the virtual keyboard.
(Nums are 'Up', Letters 'Down')
'Right' on the stick moves you to the next character.
Double tap 'A' to commit the save.

The current release does not support saves in Monkey Island 1 (VGA Version). There are other threads that explain that.
aha... thanks... I read somewhere that saving in monkey island 1 didn't work.. but I couldn't find it later.. so I thought it was some other release or something..
thank you so much for the quick response!!! :)

i scanned through the readme but must have missed the part about saves.

thanks DJWillis, i am forever in your debt! :P