Problem With Save Games For Fire Emblem


Active Member
Jan 26, 2008
Nottingham, UK
i'm having a little problem with the GBA emulator on my Dingoo and was wondering if someone could either confirm that this is indeed a bug or perhaps shed some light onto why it might be happening...

im playing fire emblem (never played it before and im enjoying it massively btw) and the game prompts you to save at the end of each mission. the save apparently completes successfully but upon reloading the rom at a later date the save slots are all empty again. currently the only way to save my progress in the game is by using the 'save state' function, whilst not a massive chore it would be nice to use the game 'properly'.

i havent tried any other games yet, so i dont know if the problem is just with the save type that fire emblem uses or if its a universal problem with the emu itself. has anyone else encountered this problem, or even found a way to fix it?
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In-game saves work fine for me with Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid Fusion, Super Mario Advance 2, Drill Dozer, Astro Boy, Ninja Five-O, Sonic Advance.....

It may be a problem with some games. :(
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