GP32 Problem With Official Sdk Gpbitblt


Jun 1, 2005
Sorry if this is discussed elsewhere - I have tried to search for references to it with no luck.
I have a 32 x 96 bmp converted using Edorul's GP32 Convertor (which reports it to be a 32 x 96 image. However when I use GpBitBlt thus :

GpBitBlt(NULL, &gpDraw[iscreenflip], xpos, ypos, 32, 96,(unsigned char*)panel, 0, 0, panel_width, panel_height);

it only displays 32 x 95. I've messed around with the 96 value (making it 97 & 98) but this makes no difference. Is this a known issue ? Am I doing something wrong ? I would appreciate any knowlegable insight into this problem - thank you
panel_width & panel_height are generated by GP32 Convertor and are 64 and 96 - to be honest I was trying to simplify the example.
The image is two panels of 32 * 96 so it is actually a 64 x 96 bmp. I can display either one by setting the x offset but only 95 horizontal pixel lines appear in either case. I thought it may be a known bug - but if that's not the case it must be me - just can't figure out what's going on.