not very programming oriented, it's a tool to do sprite grpahics and animations.
cuz a program needs visuals too
fro mthe website:
"pro motion is a drawing and animation software for Windows designed similar to the famous Amiga Deluxe Paint (DPaint).
It is ideal for artists working on detailed and pixel precise graphics as required for mobile systems like cell phones, smart phones, Pocket PCs, handheld video game consoles like Gameboy / Advance / Nintendo DS or Playstation Portable. It also suites well to create light weight graphics for the web or Macromedia Flash applications."
yup they forgot to mention gp32_console , :gp2x and
andora1: ..maybe we should write to them ^^
not very programming oriented, it's a tool to do sprite grpahics and animations.
cuz a program needs visuals too
fro mthe website:
"pro motion is a drawing and animation software for Windows designed similar to the famous Amiga Deluxe Paint (DPaint).
It is ideal for artists working on detailed and pixel precise graphics as required for mobile systems like cell phones, smart phones, Pocket PCs, handheld video game consoles like Gameboy / Advance / Nintendo DS or Playstation Portable. It also suites well to create light weight graphics for the web or Macromedia Flash applications."
yup they forgot to mention gp32_console , :gp2x and