Power Problems


Still Fresh
Apr 6, 2006
My GP2X arrived yesterday and I've been having a lot of problems with it.

In the end, I've narrowed it down to seemingly being something to do with the power supply.

When I first switch on after a long period of it being switched off, I get about ten minutes of use, then it freezes. Switch off, switch back on again, I get either a hang on the initial screen, or the loading screen, or coloured bars.

I've read the forums, I know that coloured bars = dead battery so I change the batteries.

Same thing happens (coloured bars).

Use the power supply.

Same thing (coloured bars).

Leave for a few minutes whilst writing this.

Try again with power supply.

Hangs on initial screen

Switch off, switch back on.

Coloured bars.

Is there anything I can do or is my unit totally banjaxxed?

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Well, something like this happened with my unit. What you need to do is get a set of brand new, high quality batteries just to make sure that it's not that (if you haven't already done so). Also, make sure that the power supply gives 1amp at 3-3.3v. If you've done both those things, I would have no recourse but to send it back for a replacement.
I've seen power supply do that before when it couldn't provide enough amperage.

Same with the batteries, get some new ones and make sure they are fully charged before trying them in the machine.

If it still doesn't work, send it back.
Ok thanks guys.

The batteries are brand new, fully charged, bought from gbax specifically to use with the GP2X (2600 mAh) . Same with the power supply. I have made sure to set up the supply exactly as per the instructions. (Though the supply is marked 3v not 3.3v)

It seems that it always works for about 10-20 mins after having been switched off for a few hours before hand. It always work with either batteries or power supply for this time period but always fails with either batteries or power supply afterwards.

Look like I'll be sending it back then.

What a bummer I've been waiting months to get one of these. :(

Thanks for your help