Power Adaptor In The Uk?


Still Fresh
Jul 29, 2007
Could someone tell me where I can get a power adaptor in the UK for the GP2X?

I'm sure I read that Argos sell one but I thought it had to be 1000mA and I can't find it.
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the official psu i think is 3.3V but the 2x can operate with a slightly higher or lower voltage without damaging it. i run mine on the 3V setting
I've been recommened the one below that Argos model, the 1200 one or whatever. I presume that would be equally ok considering they both have 3V settings?
its on play asia, the only downside is it needs a different plug for the uk (i used an old xbox1 cable) its a 2pin plug converting to the standard uk plugsocket, ps2 and xbox1 use the same type of connector (its pretty common for printers as well, and the old amiga powerpack)
I bought from Divineo. Didn't realise play-asia sold it as it is a lot cheaper from them. Makes what I paid look like a rip off. Oh well, you live and learn.
I got the cheaper one at argos and it works fine. Fits snugly and haven't had any problems with it...yet! :)

What about the more expensive one is better for the cradle, as I hope to get one of those one day?