I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not (and my apologies if this has already been discussed!) but I was wondering maybe an intresting alternative to firefox 3 on pandora might be the "dillo" web browser. It appears to have receives some activity just recently (october) and there's source avaliable too (latest version 2.0, dated 14 Oct 2008).
Only thing might be FLTK2 which dillo depends on -- I'm guessing that would run ok on pandora. BTW (as a test) I compiled dillo for my 64-bit linux distro (slamd64) and all seems to be working
Only thing might be FLTK2 which dillo depends on -- I'm guessing that would run ok on pandora. BTW (as a test) I compiled dillo for my 64-bit linux distro (slamd64) and all seems to be working