porting xxxterm and running into a brick wall...


Active Member
Jun 27, 2010
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Yes, I know... yet another browser.. well, all the others seem to have one or two quirks that make them annoying and unusable to me after no more than an hour (if they are lucky), so I decided to port my own (and teach myself how to do this "porting" thing...). So the issue I run into is as such... when running my pnd I get the following error:

./xxxterm: /mnt/utmp/xxxterm/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_ARM_1.3.3' not found (required by /mnt/utmp/xxxterm/lib/libwebkitgtk-1.0.so.0)

can't seem to figure out if it's a bad libwebkitgtk or libstdc++... made a link from both personally compiled ones as well as ones installed from angstrom repos and just can't seem to figure out what's not working right... so I finally posted here to see if I could get some help... I can zip and send my build folder for anyone interested... Thanks in advance!
It's a problem with libwebkitgtk. You compiled it with a version of g++ newer than the one available on the Pandora. The quickest workaround would be to include the libstdc++.so.3 (or .whatever) it's compiled against in the PND, and make sure that the actual binary gets run with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to the path with that library.
did all of the above you mentioned and that's where I am with this error... I will see about grabbing the libwebkitgtk from one other place and see what happens... Was originally building this on hf5, now on hf6b4 (had the same error there, so I'm sure it's not a problem between hotfixes... Thanks though...
When I had this problem (because I was using a newer tool chain from CodeSourcery) I got around the problem by using the following link flags:


This is in place of any existing flag:


That seems to do the trick for me. It just means you'll be statically linking against the library, instead of having runtime dependencies.
