Pondering Another Mod... Shoulder Buttons!


Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia
There's only one thing I don't like about the GP2X shoulder buttons, and I suppose it applies to all handhelds. If I position my index fingers on them, I have to hold the unit at an uncomfortable angle to see the display.

If I hold the unit comfortably, my index fingers are resting on the back surface (somewhere near the screw holes). So I'm thinking about installing some buttons here, connected in parallel with the existing ones.

Has anyone done this before?
Is it really uncomfortable? Have to admit it never occured to me. You are right that you have to tilt the device a bit, but you can also help it by tilting your hands towards yourself as well. Actually it feels better when you hold the GP2X (or GP32) from the top using the shoulder buttons, you have a better grip on it :P

OT: Why the change of your avatar? I like the former better, it was somehow soothing... :)
Interesting idea.
Sounds a bit more complicated than it's worth, but it'd still be neat.
I also find another good position to be the sides of the system, so you can push in the buttons with the sides of your palms.
Fitting the buttons won't be too bad, but making the connections will be pretty fiddly. I'll open it up again and do some recon before I commit myself to it.
WhiteFalcon said:
Is it really uncomfortable? Have to admit it never occured to me. You are right that you have to tilt the device a bit, but you can also help it by tilting your hands towards yourself as well. Actually it feels better when you hold the GP2X (or GP32) from the top using the shoulder buttons, you have a better grip on it :P

OT: Why the change of your avatar? I like the former better, it was somehow soothing... :)
I find gamepads fine, and if I hold the GP2X like a gamepad it's fine too. Bending my wrists back towards me to get the right screen angle is what kills me.

...oh, I might bring the robot back if I can knock together a larger one. He was feeling a little small. Definitely more relaxed than the current guy though.
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You only need to incorporate two tact switches. Solder one wire to each tact switch to ground and the other wire solders to the diagonal pin on the tact switch for the shoulder button connection (left shoulder, right shoulder). Tact switches are slim so should be easy to install.