Poker2x V1.1 Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
DaveN released the last version (at least done by himself) of his really good Poker2x.
He doesn't have anymore time to code for this project, so the source code is included if anybody wants to pick it up.


This version only features some minor bugfixes.

Download: Poker2x v1.1
Wow, what a coincidence! I only just learned how to play Poker on Saturday evening, and got really into it on Sunday... now it's Monday morning and this pops up for my GP2x :D fantastic :lol:
Sorry to hear DaveN is no longer working on the game, this was probably the most interesting game for me on the GP2X. I really want a Poker game on the GP2X :)

I might take a look at the code when I get a spare minute or two and see if continuing the project as a sideline to my other stuff would work. Not making any promises or anything though!
I tried to download this latest version, but the link from the archive doesn't work. :(
ED wrote me that he accidently deleted the file when he was trying to update it with the version that has got the sourcecode included. I re-uploaded it and now it waits on ED to get confirmed.
Despite being old news, I'd just like to thank you DaveN for this simple but entertaining game! I just lost 8 euros to my friends last week in the real game (luckily we play with small bets), so this will help me practice a bit until the next real game...

The game flows really well and is quick to play on the bus, for example.

A possible bug: once the computer decided I (and one CPU player) had a pair of 4's even if none of the five cards on the table was a 4, and we each just had one 4 each in our hands. (I'm pretty sure I downloaded v.1.1)

But thanks again! Play it safe... :)
