PokeParadox Downtime


Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder
Staff member
Dec 8, 2005
Hi Guys just a heads up that I have basically no spare time since my wife and son are visiting me on a tourist visa and I have to make the most of these four months.

I suppose when I'm back at work next week I'll still check the forums on my lunch break but you are likely not see me apart from that.

Happy Pandora-ing!
How about an interims mod ? hmm, maybe mcobit or trashymg (if they want, of course) ?
Please, you can do everything, but don't make me a mod here ;)/>

And Poke, enjoy your time with your family :)/>

Edit: I don't qualify as a mod. I have 999 warningpoints.
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Edit: I don't qualify as a mod. I have 999 warningpoints.
I'd like to see that - where should they all come from ?


There aren't many things I hate in live, but beeing seperated from my family more than just a few days was one of them (luckily I have a better job now, so these days are gone).

I hope your situation will resolve as mine did, as it surely is a loss for your child you not beeing part of his daily live for that long periods.
Well if it helps I'll volunteer for mod, I think I float around the forums often enough :)
Moved topic... whoops. Yeah it's hard being apart - but eventually we'll sort this all out. For now I'm happy with a tourist visa and my son was saying papaaaa straight away. I'm happy we'll be able to spend Christmas together this year.

Thanks for the positive vibes folks! :)
Aah, I dunno how you do it poke! I miss my kids like crazy, even if I go away for a weekend (even though my eldest can be a bit of a nutter! Remember him at R3play? I love him regardless...if you ever read this Danny :-) )

Well, enjoy the next 4 months mate :-)
I do it because I have no choice but to carry on. If I gave up and let the situation get the better of me... well it's not an option. I do remember your little 'un, yes :)

Little Aidan has switched time zones pretty much instantly... My wife... not so much lol.
Have a happy crisanthama :)/> :)/> :)/> :)/> !
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Here you go.

I think it was because somebody mentioned he had some warningpoints and I complained, that I don't have any ;)/>
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Wot ! We can request warning points ? I want some !!! :P
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