

Active Member
Dec 15, 2005
Seeing that no one has really stepped up to the plate with a fully featured NES emulator yet, I thought I'd throw out a suggestion that came up in another thread; how about a port of PocketNES, originally written for the GBA?

I know nothing of coding, but it is a quality NES emulator with full sound support and good compatibility, which runs at full speed on the 16mhz GBA ARM processor. I would think this would be an extremely easy thing to port over to the GP2x and get full speed and sound in no time. Anyone who actually knows what they're doing up for it?

Source: http://www.pocketnes.org/downloads.html
i am pretty sure it uses the gba's custom chips, so no go
but its not like there arent enugh alternatives, however, i still hope for fnes :-)
i am pretty sure it uses the gba's custom chips, so no go
but its not like there arent enugh alternatives, however, i still hope for fnes :-)

Well PocketNES works very well with a DS too, but the DS is after all backwards compatible with the GBA. Does that mean the DS has those custom chips too?
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