Pandora PND publishing survey


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
I wonder what do you prefer for PND publishing rate.

Most of the time, I create PND, by burst. I'll have a few PND ready in a short time, then, I'll have some other that will make me busy for much longer.

At the beggining, I was just publishing PND as soon as where ready. Lately, I have try to have a more regular flow, keeping PND ready and publishing them in the rythme of 1 every 2 or 3 days, to let people time to try and enjoy and avoid flooding the repo (execpt when it's the .EMU collection, where I publish the entire collection at once).

And because this community just love pool, I'll create pool about just that!
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I've picked "I don't care, I don't use my Pandora much lately", but that's not quite accurate. I do care, but most of the releases that occur these days are not things I would play/use. Even the ones I do use, I don't get much time to use them. DeaDBeeF, however, is 99% of my Pandora use these days
Multiple PND at once is a bigger surprise. The only thing that can happen is that you would miss other PNDs if you're occupied playing with the one you just downloaded.
I must admit that i never had this problem :( ;) and i'm a little jealous about it.

When i have something ready to distribute in PND i share immediately on repo, but maybe for you that are able to work (and with so great results also) on multiple projects, i think the best strategy is one pnd for every 2/3 days.
Any release strategy is fine by me - I usually download a bunch of pnd's months after they are released. Just as you create pnd's in bursts I download them in bursts.
Any release strategy is fine by me - I usually download a bunch of pnd's months after they are released. Just as you create pnd's in bursts I download them in bursts.

Same for me : when PND fit my needs, I tend to use it as-is without looking for latest version.

However, latest version is appreciated for network/security related softs, or in the case of major bugfixes.

Question for P'titSeb :  how about the future of PND development in general ?
Will it progressively stop after Pyra release, or will it continue at the same rate after Pyra release ?

(Is it possible to build PNDs for both Pyra/Pandora in the same time, or does it requires a completely different build process for the Pyra ?)
Same for me : when PND fit my needs, I tend to use it as-is without looking for latest version.

However, latest version is appreciated for network/security related softs, or in the case of major bugfixes.

Question for P'titSeb :  how about the future of PND development in general ?
Will it progressively stop after Pyra release, or will it continue at the same rate after Pyra release ?

(Is it possible to build PNDs for both Pyra/Pandora in the same time, or does it requires a completely different build process for the Pyra ?)

I'll continue to publish / updates my PNDs.

But the rate will probably not be the same. Even if there is common code, the package will probably be distinct (screenshot, PXML stuff, testing, repo, etc...), and there will be stuff on the Pyra that cannot run (at acceptable framerate mainly) on the Pandora.

Plus, I'll have some catch-up to do on the Pyra, to port existing PND to Pyra...
So, 19 Votes so far, with 8 that prefer all the PND as soon as possible, and 2 that prefer more regular PND publishing.

And 9 that doesn't care (with 2 not using their Pandora much).

I guess I'll publish some PND then...
I'll continue to publish / updates my PNDs.

But the rate will probably not be the same. Even if there is common code, the package will probably be distinct (screenshot, PXML stuff, testing, repo, etc...), and there will be stuff on the Pyra that cannot run (at acceptable framerate mainly) on the Pandora.

Plus, I'll have some catch-up to do on the Pyra, to port existing PND to Pyra...

Thank you for the information.

I voted "I don't care", because of the second-half "as long as there is more PND coming".

As you are/will be probably busy with Pyra too, I didn't voted "1 PND per 2 or 3 days is good" :)
I must admit that i never had this problem :( ;) and i'm a little jealous about it.

This is hilarious... only ptitSeb makes so many ports that he might have to release them one by one to avoid flooding the repo!

We started using "Docker" at my work, and it occurs to me that the Docker system is slightly similar to the PND system.
It might be worth looking at to cherry-pick some good ideas for the PND system, or it might even be useful as a replacement for the PND system.
(disclaimer: I don't know very much about docker yet.)

Anyway, I hope I will get my life together some time soon, and be able to achieve great things like our most prolific world-champion PND porter. :)


Speaking about "getting life together", do you stay up late at night ptitSeb? You have a job and a family... how do you find time to do so much work for the Pandora?

My main health problem is that I tend to stay up very late (using computer / internet more often than not) and don't get enough sleep, so I'm constantly over-tired. I need to learn self-discipine or something.
I try to not go to bed too late, but it often happens that I go later than I wanted, depending what I'm working on. Things take always much more time than expected... (I go to bed at around midnight, and wake up at 7:00).
We started using "Docker" at my work, and it occurs to me that the Docker system is slightly similar to the PND system.
It might be worth looking at to cherry-pick some good ideas for the PND system, or it might even be useful as a replacement for the PND system.
(disclaimer: I don't know very much about docker yet.)
The PND system pretty much is all about storage and where to put things available from the container file.
Docker on the opposite handle the run environnement but nothing about storage.

Nothing to compare the 2 things :)