Ruthie posted on Mar 31 2006 at 11:08 PM said:
Disadvantages - Unknown Linux OS, device in continuous development, needing to know what you're doing (or who to ask!!) to make it work.
This is really not a problem. You don't have to know Linux in order to make it work, really.
The use of the Gp2X is easy as long as you read carefully the help provided with each app'. But, of course, you also need to understand a bit more what you're doing (put files in a specific folder for exemple).
It's not like a NEs cartridge, plugNplay.
Ruthie posted on Mar 31 2006 at 11:08 PM said:
Perhaps the best thing that fit your needs in term of text editing.
But the gaming experience is not as good as on Gp2X of course.
Ruthie posted on Mar 31 2006 at 11:08 PM said:
Advantages - finished device, large user base. Movies (when converted), EMU's and ROM's available (<-look at the jargon I've learned in a few days!!!)
Disadvantages. Cost. Buying into the big corporate product. Being designed for cutting-edge games, which is not my interest.
It's a nice handled, a bit expensive. But text editing on this is as complicated as on Gp2X.
For emulation, it's a bit more tricky than on Gp2X because of the firmware issue and/or the "exploit" you'll have to setup .(a new jargon's word, niiice

But you still can play commercial games. Even if there's a few of them that are really interesting.