foody said:
rorque said:
foody said:
Jest said:
I know you can listen to music while reading comics so it might be possible somehow, merely conjecture on my part though as I'm not a programmer. I also think this would be a cool feature.
What file format do the Wiz support for comics and how do you play mp3 while reading comics? Thanks in advance.
no cbr or cbz support.Only jpg,png etc.But if you ask,imo comics viewer in wiz sucks.Better read this on standard pic viewer.
Comic viewer for Wiz may sucks, but if it works to read comics...that is good enough to me

But you did not answer me, how do I play mp3 while reading comics?
Simply hit select while reading the comic. then when the song is playing hit select again. Not to derail the discussion but I quite enjoy the comic reader for manga, as the text is big enough in that medium. However for Western Comics it is hard to read and when you zoom in it cuts off the right side a bit. Tis a fine program though. =)
I think for you to be able to play games while listening to music all the programmers would have to be on board with adding the functionality to their emulators.