Playing GP games


Still Fresh
Feb 20, 2003
Hello all

probably a dead simply answer, but how do you play GP games on the GP32? Got all the emulators to owrk but not GP games. Where do u put them on the smc. Thanks
You should put the games where the readme/help of the emu says, and if it dosen't say anything, it is probably in the same place where you put the emu. BTW, what do you mean by GP, GPengine??? Someone could give you a specific place to put the files if they knew (they probably do, but I don't ;) )
if youve downloaded "GP32" roms of real games then they dont work on the gp32 i dont think they can only be played using originals
Sorry what i meant was demos created for the gp32, so no emulator should be needed right? where so i put the files to play them. example is all the entrys to gbax comp. like to try out some of those games

...come on guys he is asking how to play demos and such. The answer is you install them File, Install in the GP32 PC-Link Host program.
You just put the FXE's in the GPMM folder, thats it, then they will appear on the freelauncher.

::slaps forehead:: whats wrong with this forum no one pays attention to what anyone says you guys just post blindly he said and I quote
Got all the emulators to owrk but not GP games.
Obviously he already has freelauncher and obviously he knows what to do with FXE Files. I think its a good assumption that he is working with FPK demos such as bloodycross where he will need to go to File, Install in the GP32 PC-Link application.
hee hee thanks Ceromus, thats exactly what i meant, thought i was speaking some other language there!

Anyhoot thanks again, will try tonight