Play a retro game each day of the week; heres your to-do list that matters! ;)


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
This week -- arcade!

Monday Feb 27th 2012 -- Asteroids

Tuesday - Scramble

Wednesday - Donkey Kong

Thursday - Gauntlet

Friday - Knight of the Round (or Double Dragon perhaps..)

Substitute any game you like, but play a retro game each day this week!

but...but....but skyrim!

although i have beaten DKC last week, and am about 60% into DKC2, so i guess im okay for wednesday
I know, I KNOW right... great stuff lately.. Skyrim (and with content creator out, probably lots of crazy indie mods out .. any good little dungeons people added?), Portal 2 .. gotta be some good DLC out by now? Deus Ex, well, no DLC that matters, but great damned game so I gotta replay that; but I'm on the beta for Elemental: Fallen Enchantress, gotta play that (spiritual successor to Master of Magic from the DOS years..), and I dug out Civ IV and V, and GalCiv 2...and so on. Gotta finish Lego Indiana Jones with my kid so we can go onto the next one (and hey, Lego Lord of the Rings game? Come on Telltale!) But no time for that, got some minimenu/libpnd work for Pandora, and a game I'm working on for you louts, and ... oh yeah, take care of the family.

But damnit, I'm playing me some Asteroids tomorrow.. whose with me?! :)


Damn you Skyrim, you cost me about 90 hours of life since November... I'm sure I'm not the onyl one with the Return of Dragonborn or whatever theme song burnt into my brain?
I had Gauntlette 2 for the NES growing up. I liked it at the time, but I'm not sure I could really put in any time with it now, unfortunatly it didn't age well, although the sound bites alone might make it worth it.

Green Bizard nowhas Pemporary Ansportibilly :D

Donkey Kong Country 2 is my favorite Platformer on the SNES, Great freaken music in that game, and just fun, I think i will dust that off when i get home from work and put some time in it.

I'm currently splitting my time between: Skyrim :) Civ IV and My super Nintendo has Final Fantasy III in it. It's a good life!
Halcyon - high 5!- Civ IV? I've put up a multiplayer server and with a buddy we've been playing team-vs-AIs.. great fun. Multiplayer Civ is sort of painful, but it is really fun. Give it a shot if you can set someone up :)

I'm sort of surprised no one has ported CTP2 to Pandora; the game is up on GoG for years I think, so the files are available. The source builds prety easily on older gcc, a few years ago; shoudl be a cakewalk to build for Pandora.

Someone, theres an easy compo entry ;)

retro game a day... jesus i wish. finding time even for 5 mins of a game these days is near impossible.

but you know what nothng is impossible Sonic 2 you going down mofo.

This is actually a really good idea. There's a lot of retro games I haven't really tried playing. I mean, heck, a quick 15-20m is all you need for some of them...but trying some diversity is great.

I'll add those to my todo list for this week, and will give each a try
Halcyon - high 5!- Civ IV? I've put up a multiplayer server and with a buddy we've been playing team-vs-AIs.. great fun. Multiplayer Civ is sort of painful, but it is really fun. Give it a shot if you can set someone up :)


Yeah I play civ 4 online with my brother back in California, with the 9 hour time difference we can only play sat morning/fri night or sun morning /sat night. It is a great game to play over long distance we skype and there is no lag issues because how can you really lag a turn based game! I love that game it is so much fun!
This week -- arcade!

Monday Feb 27th 2012 -- Asteroids

Tuesday - Scramble

Wednesday - Donkey Kong

Thursday - Gauntlet

Friday - Knight of the Round (or Double Dragon perhaps..)

Substitute any game you like, but play a retro game each day this week!


Monday Feb 27th 2012 -- Discovered I somehow don't have Asteroids on Pandora! WTH? Realised my iCP connection drop outs with Blutrol, were due to any angle below horizontal causing it to cut out on my iTouch. Then happily played start to finish of Ghost n Goblins Gold Knights instead. So I hope that kinda counts :) Though its no comparison to the real versions, I guess heavily dumbed down for touchscreen controls.

Tuesday - Scramble (Not got that either and in desperation for an asteroids moment, I re-found Omega Race on Vic20 via Vice). Had a guihints moment and really needed a reminder for how to even launch the game, when my old youtube video came to the rescue

and I scored 124500 before I realised I was infact, somehow invulnerable.

Must have loaded the wrong rom, as now upto Droid Force 4 with 321200 and its crazy shit! Man this machine surely ate some quarters back in the day.

Wednesday - Donkey Kong (no good at the original, I'll leave that to the Kings of Kong and better haircuts, so I might fire up the new Snex9x and play DKC, as my mates had Snes and the joys of mario kart, whilst I was stuck with Altered Beast)

Thursday - Gauntlet (sounds good)

Friday - Knight of the Round (or Double Dragon perhaps..) Shall probably try the former, as its new to me.
Asteroids didn't really chime with me very well, unfortunately. I played it on the bus, and while it's not was something I felt that I really couldn't sit for more than 15 minutes playing this game.

Scramble is interesting. Somehow I actually played the game in the past, and never realized it. I actually kinda liked it, but it was very repetitive in nature... Like Asteroids, I think about 15m in one sitting is about the maximum for me.

Donkey Kong. This game is very addicting...I started playing it yesterday already and am looking forward to playing it on the bus today.
For the folks who like Donkey Kong: You might also be interested in Crazy Kong Part II. This is actually the officially-licensed European version of the first game. It has an inaccurate reputation as a bootleg, because Falcon breached their licensing agreement and sold boards to countries outside of where they were supposed to, back when Nintendo themselves couldn't keep up with demand for Donkey Kong hardware.

Its audio is very different due to the board having weaker sound hardware, and it's famed for being the weird version where Mario makes a high-pitched "HIYAA!" when jumping.

Most interestingly, though, is that the gameplay is shaken up a bit. It progresses as the Japanese version does (instead of the strange method used by the US release), but as you get further into the game some girders have gaps in them, and in the elevator stage, some platforms are made narrower as of the second run through the game.

It's well worth checking out if you want a fresh twist on the original. :p
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Wait, someone who has not played Donkey Kong, or Asteroids? Good lord :) What else has not been played!

(Go watch King of Kong movie, classic!)

Asteroids has a special place in my soul .. it being a vector game; it cannot truly be emulated.. displays for the last 30 years just cannot do the glowing light the old vector tubes could (espeically LCDs etc.)

Omega Race on Vic-20 is almost superior to the arcade one (I restored an original OR cocktail cabinet.. few exist .. a very early user of nicd batteries, the batteries almost always blew up and melted acid all over the place, killing the pcboards...); I'd say the vic-20 one is better, myself :)

DK _is_ a great game; as a kid, I loved DKjr more, but it lacks staying power.. all these years later, and DK is still a hard and great game :) One of the first games I wrote an emulator for (gorsh, back early 90s?), and I spent soooo much time playing it, as I figured it out. I still play it weekly :)

Prometheus -- Falcon used to regularly pirate boards as well, I think; though Crazy Kong was an exception of sorts.. theres several kidns of it around; one is a total pirate, and theres also an official Falcon board thats 6809 based or somethigng.. a total clone; a complete ground up rewrite, that plays almost identically (different bugs when jumping off the side of the girders etc.) I forget my history here, but its pretty crazy.. A few times, Falcon actually pirated boards by rewriting them.. freaky!

IMHO, I loved CK more than DK for a long time. Something more tight about that series.. or a more fun ordering of the boards.

^ There were a lot of bootlegs from the unlicensed non-EU Crazy Kong and Crazy Kong Part II boards, too ("Part II" is actually a revision that has some bug-fixes and different palettes, as well as that cute intro animation that was added by Falcon, if you wait after the first attract-mode demo finishes). :lol: It's all a big, confusing mess of a tale.

Crazy Kong Part II is one of my favourite boards aside from my Mega Man ones, incidentally. :p
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Wait, someone who has not played Donkey Kong, or Asteroids? Good lord :) What else has not been played!

Some of these games were released before I was born, so...yeah :)

I never played any of the above games on actual arcade machines. "Bad Dudes", TMNT, and those were kinda when I was old enough to play in an arcade.
Spacewar which is more or less the first proper game ever made is stil a good game.Played it on different machines years ago including amiga,an apple computer with a twisty paddle controller,pc etc.Played asteroids on amiga there were many Pd versions of it.