So back home for me.
No as many people as in Toulouse Game show for example, but the Pandora has still attracted most
Along with the common questions:
* How do I put game => here the repo and PNDManager helps
* Is it dedicated to game => some LibreOffice, speaking of Firefox (no Wifi there)...
* I use mainly PhotoShop => no problem, with GIMP, MyPaint, Pinta and the mainy other paint program
* What can it emulate correctly => Easy anwser too, plus Fantomid had Shenmue so we can even show reicast (with no sound), that had made some "Wow" effect
. Also, having Mario Kart 64 helps too!
* On the Wow effect, I launched Blender a couple of time too
* Is it similar to Raspberry PI => Yes, but portable, and more powerfull (look, I can run Blender or Jedi Knight III, I don't think RPI can at a raisonable speed).
* Can I connect to a screen => Yes and No, TV Out is fine (and we had a TV connected), but for real HDMI, we'll have to wait for the Pyra
* Can it run Minecraft => Yes but No, I showed my beta, but it's not really playable (still that impress a bit), we'll have to wait for the Pyra too...
Maybe @Fantomid & @Linux-SWAT had other question (or answer) than me.