....The first topic of the month’s agenda is the PinePhone keyboard, which I know many of you are eagerly awaiting. Those of you who read previous community update blog entries will already know that we created two prototype iterations and have been ironing out existing issues these past 3 months. We’re now at a stage where we incorporated most, if not all, developer feedback concerning the keyboard’s electronics, chassis (including fit and finish refinements) and fine-tuned the membrane responsible for the feel of keystrokes. There is now also a fully
open firmware for the keyboard thanks to Megi, which I am happy to report will ship with the keyboard by default. As you can probably tell from the above, we’re very close to being production-ready. However, since we recognize the importance of this peripheral, we therefore also want to get it right from the get-go, and have decided to create a final set of pre-production review units (they ought to ship out in less than 2 weeks time).This will allow for any last-minute tweaks ot the end product if need be. Granted everything goes according to plan and no issues are found with these final pre-production units, we will start production immediately after receiving a green light from developers.............