Pinball Fantasies Portable

They're all before my time. The most computer like thing (apart from my computer) I own is my xbox. but I can check my email on it and use DSL aswell. plus windows 98. Ok i'll shut up :(
Quiest posted on Apr 30 2005 at 06:29 PM said:
WarmFluffyUK posted on Apr 30 2005 at 05:09 PM said:
Quiest posted on Apr 30 2005 at 05:00 PM said:
Oh, well... and why did you post that here?

(EDIT: That was pointed to Alucard)

Don't you mean Dracula?


I wonder if Alucard has big fangs :lol:

No, I mean Alucard. He is the son of Dracula and not Dracula himself ;) (atleast in the Castlevania games)

History Lesson,

The real Dracula got his name from his father (Dracule). Dracule was a very important person, and he was awarded the order of the dragon, that's what Dracule means. Son of Dracule is Dracula, the a at the end signifies son of.

I wonder if dracula's son would officially be called draculala :lol:.

Mind you, I don't find him all that scary, Rather funny really, makes me laugh if anyone can be scared of a vampire with webbed feet. Ooops, that's Duckula :wacko:.
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@WarmFluffyUK: Good to hear that all of your "possessions" still work... ;)

@xboxit: I haven't got any old "homecomputers" anymore - well, I like emulators... The oldest system i still have is a Nintendo 64.
Just a quick Amiga Addon: I totally forgot my sweeeeeeeeeeet A1000 :)
How could I ;)

So... I have 7 :P
Wow... A lot of old Amiga users here... I had one A500 and then got another one when it crapped out. *Shrug* Fixed the older one for my sister, so she had one.

I had to sell my Amiga to a collector for food money.
I have '3 amigas' too.

1 x Amiga 500
1 x Amiga 600 (with 4MB + 40mHz 68030 accelerator card)
1 x Amiga 1200 (with 8MB + 33mHz 68030 accelerator card)

Other retro stuff I have:

1 x Atari 2600
1 x Atari ST 540
1 x Vectrex
Just about every Sega console from the Mastersystem onwards (except for Nomad)
About a dozen Commodore 64s
Nearly as many Commodore VIC20s

Fishbong posted on May 1 2005 at 05:54 AM said:
Alucard is also the hero of the manga/anime series HELLSING. Do you remember hando´s old avatar? That´s alucard.

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I have three Amigas, Well four if you count a CD32 that doesn`t read cd`s :P .

2 x A1200 (1 with 040/25 32mb ram, 1 Vanilla)
1 x A500 (ks 1.3)
1 x CD32 (doesn`t read cd`s :( )

@White Demon: 1 x Atari ST 540 :blink:
