Pimax 8K VR Headset

Pimax delivered the Pimax 4k before, so a scam is unlikely.
However, the device isn't without caveats. Depending of your definition of 8k, this probably isn't 8k. It's two 4k UHD screens next to each other.
The normal 8k device can't even be driven at 4k per screen, but only 1440p with the internal upscaler handling the rest. For 200$ more you actually get the correct ports it seems.
The screens are LCD, not OLED as in the current gen HMDs.

The gif linked in the post was created by Pimax, judge with caution.

Video with interesting some insights:

You may want to skip the CEO talk, it's pretty long. Their impressions start at 21:58

It's not all bad, for not exactly ideal either.