Oh yeah, I forgot to add controls infos.
They are now added to the software page:
My linkhttp://pikilipita.com/vj/pikidoo/index.html
No, no Dingux version planned, I prefer to produce softwares which work just "out of the box".
And also, there is the TV-out issue with Dingux, I don't know if it's available on Dingux.
Why I've been disapointed by the Dingoo?
Because the internal OS is soo bad:
- it uses about 15Mo of memory, that's half the RAM of the device. Well, it's just a guess from personal experience:
If you allocate more than 15Mo in a app, the Dingoo just freezes. Then if you don't have a pin to reset the Dingoo, you're f*cked!
- pressing X a few second quits any app, and you can't disable that behavior, it's so stupid!
- If you don't reboot the Dingoo after connecting it to your PC for file transferts, then even less than 15Mo remains available for apps.
I'm now considering Nokia devices and the Caanoo for future experiments...