Picodrive.Cd games not working.

Wrath Of Khan

Soul soother...
Dec 29, 2009
I have looked on the forums at several old threads but am none the wiser.I have every megadrive cd bios in a folder in picodrive.I have heart of the alien cd game in the folder named MDS.(I also own a copy of this game) Should the bios be in a special folder? There are two other folders in picodrive called SRM and BRM. Are these for putting cd games in or what? Can anybody clarify this for me.Thanks.
Try placing all your bios files straight into the pandora/appdata/picodrive folder and not in any sub folder. In my case, that's 3 region based zip files. Plus the 32X.bin files, which are genesis, master, slave BIOS.bin files.

Your roms for cart based or CD games, can be stored anywhere on your SD card and can be browsed to from within picodrive. It will also remember where you were last. Unlike myself in the morning.

The brm and mds, or srm folders don't need anything adding to them by yourself afaik (?)

Your games don't need to go there and I guess saves states etc may end up there.
Just another thought: What format have you ripped the disc in?

I found that ISO + MP3 works best for me, with my Mega CD stuff.
Thanks for the suggestion but its still not working.picodrive says no usa bios files found.My bios are bin files.Are bin files ok.The game is ripped in bin cue format?Will try iso +mp3. My bios files were zipped but i unzipped them.No change yet.
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Picodrive keeps saying no usa bios found.It seems to have trouble locating them.The game is not working in iso +mp3 format either.
I used to have the same problem before,it happens,when you are not doing right.

In appdata go to folder picodrive 1.80 click on it then install your usa bios there then at the make sure you rename it .bin the last three letters.

The cd aren't easy to run,once you have done that,when you are going to start a game it will say no usa bios found so you will have to start the bios first then you have to wait till don't see text at the bottom,it will say press rest,just press start button takes you to cd player on eject button press b it will say load image press b again then find your usa rom then it takes you back to cd player and press play button and then press cd rom button,it should work,if any problems let me know.
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The cd aren't easy to run,once you have done that,when you are going to start a game it will say no usa bios found so you will have to start the bios first then you have to wait till don't see text at the bottom,it will say press rest,just press start button takes you to cd player on eject button press b it will say load image press b again then find your usa rom then it takes you back to cd player and press play button and then press cd rom button,it should work,if any problems let me know.
Wow that's overkill, how about just doing what readme says instead, i.e. copying us_scd1_9210.bin or us_scd2_9306.bin to <sd card>/pandora/appdata/PicoDrive/ ?
I used to have the same problem before,it happens,when you are not doing right.

In appdata go to folder picodrive 1.80 click on it then install your usa bios there then at the make sure you rename it .bin the last three letters.

The cd aren't easy to run,once you have done that,when you are going to start a game it will say no usa bios found so you will have to start the bios first then you have to wait till don't see text at the bottom,it will say press rest,just press start button takes you to cd player on eject button press b it will say load image press b again then find your usa rom then it takes you back to cd player and press play button and then press cd rom button,it should work,if any problems let me know.
Thanks. I actually found out that you have to load the bios first and then select the cd game from within it via the megacd disc loading sytem,like you say. I fluked it after about 3 hours of mucking about with it. Odd that loading the bios first isnt mentioned anywhere about picodrive.
The cd aren't easy to run,once you have done that,when you are going to start a game it will say no usa bios found so you will have to start the bios first then you have to wait till don't see text at the bottom,it will say press rest,just press start button takes you to cd player on eject button press b it will say load image press b again then find your usa rom then it takes you back to cd player and press play button and then press cd rom button,it should work,if any problems let me know.
Wow that's overkill, how about just doing what readme says instead, i.e. copying us_scd1_9210.bin or us_scd2_9306.bin to <sd card>/pandora/appdata/PicoDrive/ ?
I put my bios directly in pandora appdata picodrive but they did not work. Are you saying they have to be renamed us scd1 9210.bin in order to work. They were bin files. Anyhow the way sukiextreme said to do it works for me. Thanks
Yes they have to be named like that (including case and underscores) AND have to be the right files.

sukiextreme's way is not how it was intended to work, but you can use it like that if you want.
Hmmm, seems strange that you have to go to length's of sukhiextreme's method in order to launch a game. Not that there is a problem following sukhiextreme's method, main thing is that it works for you. I have all the BIOS files named as Notaz has pointed out, but never have I had to change the option manually just in order to play a different region game before (whether it be US, EUR or JP).

I tend to find that FMV based games work better in the BIN/CUE format and everything else in the ISO+MP3 format, not a single issue as yet and hopefully one won't arise either! Definitely one of the most accomplished emulators on the Pandora! :D
I have found better solution to make the mega cd game work by just loading the game and no need to select any bios files.

What you need to for all 3 bios files,right click on the bios file and select rename delete .bin last 3

letters and save it,that is all.

Just start the game and play.