Just Photoshoppin, True, True.....
You cheater, I HATE YOU YA HEAR, I HATE YA. Anyhoo, What do you think of my pics.
oh wow i never would have guessed i thought you drew it by handmattmagoo posted on Mar 16 2005 at 03:47 PM said:i cheated anyway
i used a 2D programme to make the text and then outline it in photoshop
xboxit posted on Mar 16 2005 at 06:10 PM said:You cheater, I HATE YOU YA HEAR, I HATE YA. Anyhoo, What do you think of my pics.
craigix posted on Mar 16 2005 at 10:53 PM said:Do any of you kids fancy giving me a hand revamping Free stuff up for grabs if you do...
and so am i. Can i have some more free stuff. Like that DS key chain?craigix posted on Mar 17 2005 at 06:39 PM said:What I would like to be redesigned is the left 'info' column, i've always hated it with its awful rounded corners. A nice modern looking cool thing would be great.
Problem is i'm rubbish at graphics...
Nice joke, now I feel sadxboxit posted on Mar 17 2005 at 07:55 PM said:I did a new pic (well loads but i'll show you this one).
If it doesn't show right click, then show picture.