

Oct 26, 2003
I was really hoping for emu updates from the PDroms comp. Maybe ADIC 2003? Also, you should look at that water simulation thing for GBA from the PDROMS comp, I think thats really amazing for something that has a 16mhz cpu.
I was really hoping for emu updates from the PDroms comp.
Crap!? :angry: If you had bothered to read the compo rules, you wouldn't have to had hold your breath this long.. The third bullet there says "Your production can be a game or demo/intro. Emulators and tools are NOT allowed!"

Besides.. so far PDRoms compo was well done (good prices, strict and clear rules).
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Well, as you can plainly see, the community can be a little biased towards emulators. How can the average non-porting programmer compete? We should encourage regular ground-up programming as much as porting. I think of the PDRoms as a great success.
yeah, I am with you generalnmx

We should encourage people writing any kind of software, since emus are at the moment the only respected productions yet

We should also encourage people to start with coding.

We should tolerate the upcoming newbism (including my self)
i prefer playing new developed games instead of playing emulators. playing the games on their original systems is much more fun. super mario bros. 3 on gp32 with nester sucks imho. its muche more fun on the nes or snes or gameboy advance (ive played all the versions), cause its deisgned for special controllers... but thats not a discussion on emulators in general i think... so, i found the competition very nice and the contributions are good in general. its about keeping people interested in coding for gp32, and thats what it did.