Pdfview Beta 4


Certified Guru
Sep 25, 2005
Hi all,

It's about time for an official release of pdfview, the PDF Viewer for your GP2X. It's still pretty rough around the edges at this stage and the rendering is pretty slow, but it does let you almost any PDF on your GP2X.

Here's the readme:
A simple PDF viewer based on the poppler library.

    copy the pdfview folder to the root of your SD Card.

    Choose pdfview from the pdfview folder

    Stick       Scroll
    L & R       Previous & Next Page
    Click       Skip Down
    X & B       Zoom
    Select      File Chooser
    Start       Quit

Known Issues:
    Very slow

    poppler - http://poppler.freedesktop.org/

    Blog: http://www.oddsoftware.net/blog/
    E-Mail: pdfview@oddsoftware.net
    IRC:    theoddbot in #gp2x on EFNet

Grab it from http://brendan.mine.nu/pdfview_beta4.zip
Great! I've been hoping someone would code up something for viewing PDFs!


slygamer posted on Dec 23 2005 at 12:26 AM said:
When you make a release, you should use Subversion's export command to avoid getting the .svn administrative folders in the zip.

Actually I just zipped the directory off my SD card, no idea how those got there :blink:

Fixed now, ta.
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most the time if i'm on my gp32 it's for eBooks ...

so thank you theoddbot!!! this is a welcome addition to the things i can mess around with on my gp2x!

i hope you can speed things up :D

i could see a few improvements in the interface as well ...

- instead of x/b for scale, it would be nice for a number to pop up with the % to scale ... pressing left/right/updown could change the scale # ... it would take some of the tedium out of slowly scaling up to readable size
- it's very nice to be able to page down with stick-press, but there's no way to page back up if you go to far ... also a jump to top would be nice for pages you have to zoom into that are aranged in columns

well i could go on, but i don't know how interested you are in this interface shit ... i'll try to catch you on irc so we can discuss if you like :) thanks agian!!!
Pixman posted on Dec 30 2005 at 06:40 AM said:
How's the program going forward?

I really like the PDF reader. It displays my ebooks SO fine... even the pictures, very clearly.
This is cool.

Hope you can make it way faster.


I've got a bunch of books in pdf format, and really looking forward this program to be useful in the near future. :)
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Jul 22 2006 at 03:09 AM said:
thanks to you I thought there was <_<

sorry lol

but it would be great if someone could pick this up and redo it for firmware 2.0

faster maybe with more stuff..

<theres no other program that can read pdf files on the gp2x is there?>
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