abiword-plugin-pdf x11/office Abiword plugin for pdf
abiword-plugin-pdf-dev x11/office Abiword plugin for pdf
epdfview x11/applications A minimal PDF viewer based on gtk and poppler
epdfview-dev devel A minimal PDF viewer based on gtk and poppler
libepdf-dev devel Epdf is the glue between EFL and libpoppler
libepdf-ewl-widget e/libs Epdf is the glue between EFL and libpoppler
libepdf-tests e/libs Epdf is the glue between EFL and libpoppler
libepdf0 e/libs Epdf is the glue between EFL and libpoppler
qpdf2 opie/applications QPDF2 is a Viewer for PDF documents
qpdf2-dev devel QPDF2 is a Viewer for PDF documents
that`s what they list for pdf, if you have oOo or koffice compiled for Pandora then they support PDF as well, there`s probably many more too.
(edit...some of those are libs or devlibs, but they add support for pdf to other applications, you shouldn`t lack pdf support)