Pc Engine


Jan 25, 2004
Sussex, England
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I was just wondering if anyoe knew anywhere that did PCEngines (preferably Super Grafx)

I have looked on ebay and they are going quite cheap, but im not a massive fan of ebay

I have also looked at Telegames, but they charge SOOOOOOOOO much

so i was just wondering if anywhere knew a highstreet or internet shop in the UK that sells PCEnginges (or turbo grafx, but i'd prefer a JAP unit)

my mate works in gamestation so ill see if i can get one ordered

but they had a trade in sheet and it said PCEnngine £60 trade in, so they will be selling em for bouts £80 which is a bit OTT
yeah TG16's in america are VERY cheap as no one liked them here. I'd rather have a PC Engine myself or Core Graphx as they are so much more compact and cool looking... I dont know why they felt it necessary to more than double the size of the thing when they brought it here :angry:

It amazes me that PC Engines are still going for so much considering how old they are and the fact that they were VERY plentiful and popular in other countries.
i sold my jap white pc engine(rgb converted)and 6 games for £125 on ebay about 3 years ago and lately i wished i never had. matt magoo where did you order your turbo grafx from?
How the fuck is JAP offensive? We're talking about video game systems, not people.

EDIT: Another case of political correctness gone mad.
JAP JPN whats the fucking difference. Whats next, people saying not to eat crackers because its offensive to old white women? This is just like gamefaqs "anit-racist" people. If you were truly not a racist you wouldn't give two shits about a racial term used out of context.
Telegames is expensive, but, all of the stock is brand new. They were also about the last place I saw that actually had any US/JAP Hucard convertors.

If it were me, I'd go for a Duo; a JAP one preferably or (like I did at the time) a US one with a Hucard convertor for JAP cards (of which there are squillions more than US games).

Can't beat the original white/grey/black coregrafx though. I keep meaning to pick one up just to play my JAP hucards without a convertor.

TBH, Ebay is the best place to pick stuff up. Search for the seller 'Hit-Japan', he has excellent stock, is friendly, and I've bought loads of stuff from him.