Pc Engine Hu286 Emulator Wont Load Roms


Still Fresh
May 26, 2005
Hi guys,

I remember the emulator working the last time I used it, but I cant get the emulator to load roms. It just freezes at the Start "insert name" rom menu.

My settings are currently at...

Vsync on, 233mhz.

Thanks for any help.

It uses the old hardcoded MMU Hack, it was before the mmuhack module, so you'll have to disable the mmuhack in the config file for it to work proper (I think...)
Thanks for your reply.

I'll try your suggestion later.

There seems to be some emulators on the gp2x that desperately need updating. I've heard that this emulator doesnt even run on 2.10 and up.

Someone should send out a memo saying "update already!"
I just told you why it doesn't work on 2.1 and up, and also how to fix it...

Anyways, sometimes dev's disappear, it happens... real life, death, or many other reasons can always lead to the disappearance of projects and devs. Although I agree it's too bad Vobbo disappeared... all the little extras he was working on would have been nice :)
benny32 said:
Thanks for your reply.

I'll try your suggestion later.

There seems to be some emulators on the gp2x that desperately need updating. I've heard that this emulator doesnt even run on 2.10 and up.

Someone should send out a memo saying "update already!"
Vobbo never liked people demanding just like you are now. Hence people like you are why he left and didn't come back. If you want it updating, get the source from him (which is mostly x86 hand coded ASM) and do it yourself.
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sam fisher said:
benny32 said:
Thanks for your reply.

I'll try your suggestion later.

There seems to be some emulators on the gp2x that desperately need updating. I've heard that this emulator doesnt even run on 2.10 and up.

Someone should send out a memo saying "update already!"
Vobbo never liked people demanding just like you are now. Hence people like you are why he left and didn't come back. If you want it updating, get the source from him (which is mostly x86 hand coded ASM) and do it yourself.

Another *insert name here* forum member giving excuses for abandoned projects.

I am hardly whining. I'm sure if he got an email about the problem he could fix the issue.

If he wants to leave the project riddled with bugs that make it unable to operate, fine, it's his project.

Just dont go claiming that the gp2x has a decent PC Engine emulator. That would be lying.

Thankfully some genius just released PocketSnes. It blows squidgesnes out of the water. I'll just play that until I code the next one... on a closed source project for the PSP :P
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sam fisher said:
benny32 said:
Thanks for your reply.

I'll try your suggestion later.

There seems to be some emulators on the gp2x that desperately need updating. I've heard that this emulator doesnt even run on 2.10 and up.

Someone should send out a memo saying "update already!"
Vobbo never liked people demanding just like you are now. Hence people like you are why he left and didn't come back. If you want it updating, get the source from him (which is mostly x86 hand coded ASM) and do it yourself.

Actually he left because he didn't get the donations that he wanted. He kept saying things like "keep donating to keep me motivated" and such. Improvements slowed, and so did donations so he picked up his marbles and left.

It would have at least been nice if the source was released. The video emulation was brilliant, the sound emulation was very unfinished. That could have been improved if there was source.
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