Pc Controller?

Gravis Gamepad Pro, its basically just a psx shaped controller... ya... thats about it. Psx controllers are good for snes gaming too, cause you have the 4 face buttons.
I have a couple of Thrustmaster pad - both analog and digital, and they are a pretty good sollution for most snes and PSX emulation needs.
But I have always been seaching for a digital controler, that also has two start & select face buttons. To my knowledge there are none.

@ Pink:
If you are a bit handy (prolly not- being wasted most of the time :P) You can also make you own custom controller. There are several usefull sites for that. Recently I came across DirectPad Pro , which is a driver that lets u use pretty much ANY controller, by connecting it to the parallel-port (if you have one).

You could also plainly hack an ordinary joypad, which have the correct amount of buttons, with a original SNES pad. I did something like this with an old "The Arcade"-joystick for Amiga and c64. Fairly easy since they only have 1 button, and the circuit is super-simple (has NO components at all... just micro-switches).
Im not very handy at electronics, I can build pcs but when it comes to fiddly stuff im crap... and ive built a pc while being wasted before... was an experieince :D
raven posted on Apr 10 2004 at 08:40 PM said:
The Gravis Gamepad Pro gamepads are very nice. I opened mine and swapped two of the face buttons so the colors match the SNES (only for that silly balloon 'fight' in Yoshi's Island)
Cool... how much are they?

Also you arent the same rav from UOT are you?
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PinkSpider posted on Apr 10 2004 at 08:46 PM said:
Cool... how much are they?

Also you arent the same rav from UOT are you?
Wouldn't know at the moment, they are disappearing but some stores are selling them really cheap.

I don't think so. Don't even know what UOT is.
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Hmm, I have a PCline pad bought from Dixons for £4.99 it's basically a more comfortably shaped black PSone controller without the analogue stick...and I love it its great for emulation.

Oh and PinkSpider if you're doing Video games design at Teeside....I am soooo jealous, I just didn't go cos I don't like teeside!
I got a cheapo "Competition Pro" pad from Gamestation for £4.99 last week. Its essentially another Psone pad without the analogue sticks and therefore is good for emulation etc.

If there is a Gamestation in your "town", then have a look there because they seemed to have loads in mine.
Why not get a USB N64/PSX or GC link.

I bought the N64/PSX one a couple of years ago for about £8 from ebay.

It's the best thing for emulation.

I have PSX/N64 USB and a PSX USB and they really are the best for value and performance if you already have a PSX or N64 pad spare.