PanMAME - Is There A Game List, Please?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
Lizard Lick, North Carolina
I have PanMAME on my Pandora, and it is working well, but some games that seem like no-brainers that they ought to work...don't.

Is there any sort of a game list for PanMAME?

It seems with other systems, when you downloaded an emulator, you got a nice "readme" file and a gamelist file. With Pandora, all you are getting is the .pnd file. No "readme" and no gamelist.

This makes it a little difficult for a novice like me to get some emulators working...a "readme" file would be very nice as there are a few emulators I'm havng trouble with...but that is for another topic. for now, it would be nice to see a gamelist for I know what file names it is expecting to see, and what games it will play.

Just as an example, 1942 and 1943 both don't seem to work on PanMAME...which blows my mind, these ought to be no-brainers that work.

Amazing to me that DoDonPachi would work, and 1942 wouldn't....
Each zip files consists of multiple roms that have to have the exact same filename/crc checksum as the version that the emulator is looking for.

You may need to run your roms hrough clrMAMEpro or similar to get them working.
I have PanMAME on my Pandora, and it is working well, but some games that seem like no-brainers that they ought to work...don't.

Is there any sort of a game list for PanMAME?

It seems with other systems, when you downloaded an emulator, you got a nice "readme" file and a gamelist file. With Pandora, all you are getting is the .pnd file. No "readme" and no gamelist.

This makes it a little difficult for a novice like me to get some emulators working...a "readme" file would be very nice as there are a few emulators I'm havng trouble with...but that is for another topic. for now, it would be nice to see a gamelist for I know what file names it is expecting to see, and what games it will play.

Just as an example, 1942 and 1943 both don't seem to work on PanMAME...which blows my mind, these ought to be no-brainers that work.

Amazing to me that DoDonPachi would work, and 1942 wouldn't....

I think you need to use clrmamepro and audit your rom set using the MAME v.106 dat file , because all the games you mentioned are playable..
There is a lenthty readme, that is even smashed in your face on first start.

You need roms from mame 0.106 as stated by others in other threads. A list of games wouldn't help you, as your rom is most likely uncompatible, not the game itself.
PanMAME uses MAME 106 ROMs.

I used the Windows 106 version and the mame.exe -listfull command to generate the attached 106.txt game list.


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Here an example how to use clrmamepro...


Most of the games should work if you use a recent MAME set and process them with clrmamepro, even without a rollback set. You can get full compatibility with a rollback set. I have generated a MAME 0.106 set for PanMAME and haven't found any issues yet.
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Hummm...I'm downloading the ROMs from a place that has 0.106 MAME roms.

Many of these ROMs are working right. but some just aren't. I just thought a game list might help. Some 0.146 MAME ROMs are also working on PanMAME.

I can just try downloading the ROMS from another site and see if it helps. That or try to puzzle out how to use clrmamepro...which I have NEVER really been able to understand. Like I said, there's just some games, that it seems ought to work, but don't...and other games that work...and if THOSE work, you'd think the simpler ones would.

I will try from another site, too, and if it doesn't help, I guess I'll have to resort to trying to figure out clrmamepro...or maybe someone would be kind enough, if I sent them the ROMs I have, to run them thru clrmamepro and send the finished files back? I mean...the games I'm missing mostly DO work on MAME4ALLBeta, so it isn't a huge issue...but, it would be nice to get all my MAME games working on just one MAME emu.
Question...when using you HAVE to have a full set of all the ROMS...or can you just have those you WANT??

Then I would need the 0.106 batch file, which I think someone provided up above.
Question...when using you HAVE to have a full set of all the ROMS...or can you just have those you WANT??

Then I would need the 0.106 batch file, which I think someone provided up above.

You don't need the fullset for clrmamepro, but you do need a MAME .106 dat file..

then you can load the dat file and check what roms that you have that are complete or not , and drag and drop to rebuild them correctly...

look at the clrmamepro how to post (from Yoshi) is a very useful tool..
And while all the above is correct, just in case -

When you say some games aren't working, do you mean they show up in PanMame's selector list but don't run when you choose them, or do they not show up in the list at all even though they are on your SD?

I ask this because a few of us (myself included) have found that in PanMame and Mame4all, when booting with the 'new' (3.2 kernel) as normal, some games don't show up - but they do if you boot with the old kernel instead.

If the games are showing up in your list, ignore the above!
I have the NeoGeo zip file in the roms folder.

The issues are sometimes the game not showing up at all in the lust...other times, the game not playing.
The issues are sometimes the game not showing up at all in the lust...other times, the game not playing.

The games not playing will most probably be roms that need to be swapped for compatible versions - but for the ones not showing up in the list, try booting with the old kernel instead. Ever since Super Zaxxon firmware, this has been an option by holding the right shoulder button when you power up, until the options appear on screen.

A few of us have noticed this issue, all the roms show up again under the old kernel (it affects Mame4all too).
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A few of us have noticed this issue, all the roms show up again under the old kernel (it affects Mame4all too).

Interesting issue. Can you please give some examples, which are not listed with the new kernel?


Note that I don't have full sets of Roms in place, only the selection that I wanted - and of those a surprising percentage simply don't show up under the new kernel (and before it's asked, yes - these are separate folders of roms for PanMame and Mame4all). It's not a huge nuisance for me, I just boot with the old kernel if I'm just after some gaming - but it's something worth noting because others are bound to come up against it from time to time.
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I have never tried booting with old kernel.

I just got my unit a week ago, it has the super zaxxon 3.2 kernel. Ddn't even know there WAS any other kernel. Do you know if these units would also be able to be booted with the old kernel?

I ask only out of curiousity, really, my own attitude is...if it works, it works...if not, no biggie, I have over a thousand games working across all the emulators, so if one or two don't fly, not a great tragedy.
It's not hardware dependant, it's part of the current OS - ever since 'Super Zaxxon' there has been the inbuilt 2 kernel option, just hold the right shoulder button when you power up until the options appear on screen.

It will only affect that particular boot, when you power up again it'll be the newer 3.2 kernel as usual.
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