Pandy @ Work


Dec 1, 2006
Plenty of great reviews out there, which I have to agree with.

Amazing screen and amazing controls. Sticky right shoulder button, and my down key is a sometimes non-responsive on first press, but doesn't seem to effect frantic sonic mashing.

It arrived on Wednesday and I had to take off the afternoon and the next day. Lucky my boss knew I would be next to useless at work and let me sate my pandy thirst.

Anyway back in work, did they usual rounds which the gamers drooled over, but my jealous other colleagues poo paarrred, but I know they want one really!

So a network CCTV broke and rather then climbing up a step ladder with a laptop I plugged in a cheap StarTech USB to ethernet dongle and I was good to start testing. Why don't I take the camera down I hear you ask, no it isn't so I can justify using my pandy, but saves me time trying to position the bugger.

Also worked great testing if all the cables worked fine between the camera and switch and the screen is good enough to check the config too!

Next step minicom as the USB to serial seems to work :D

I actually have a bluetooth to serial which I'll get around to testing as well.

Really loving the nubs as a mouse. Brill for people who can't quite grasp the whole double click thing :D

Haven't done a meeting yet, but I think I'll take a wired or BT keyboard with me. I touch type so the mini KB isn't good enough for that!
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Color me jealous. I'm glad to see that there are others who ordered their Pandoras for more than just gaming. Mine is still in transit (wishing I'd paid for expedited shipping now!).

The gaming is a huge plus for me, but I'm very much looking forward to using my Pandora for a lot of other applications as well.

Thanks for posting!
I've used my Pandora to remote admin my servers at work, more as a test rather than in anger. Using a laptop or desktop is easier but the fact I can use the Pandora is cool.
I've used my Pandora to remote admin my servers at work, more as a test rather than in anger. Using a laptop or desktop is easier but the fact I can use the Pandora is cool.

Yah server work keyboard and screen is a must.

It works really well for switch configs coz switches can end up in some horrible places and the pandy is suited for that. Might be useful in troubleshooting anything that still outputs to console port like the Sun Fire X4500.

I've done work on my N900 in a pub before (very dangerous), the number keys were a nightmare...
Used my Pandora for note taking in several meetings and discussions so far. I'm loving it.

Compact, awesome battery life and a workable keyboard for typing. It performs exactly as I expected it would. Keyboard layout could use some improvement though.
If you say that three times Cosurgi will appear
Haha. I participated in the alternative keyboard layout designs as well. I will certainly be making changes to my mapping in the future (need to fix my shoulder button first).

I did enjoy the discussions we had back then, despite the hostility of the community about keyboard layout changes.

<edit>Ok, I updated my spellbook.

Spell: Summon Cosurgi

Incantation: "Keyboard layout could use some improvement though." (3x)

Ingredients: blank keymat (1x), pandora (1x), print of a keyboard layout (SVG) (1x)

Effect: Spawns 1d3 threads about keyboard layout design, each including a poll. Replaces keymat and print with a printed keymat which appears after two months and makes the Pandora mysteriously vanish.

Usage: Place Pandora at the topmost vertex of your summoning pentagram, the empty keymat at the bottom left and the SVG print at the bottom right. Cut your finger and drop three drops of blood in the center of the pentagram while inciting the Incantation out loud.

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I plan on using mine at work.. we use a ton of unix based systems.. I can see it handy if I just need to ssh into a system run a command real quick.. perhaps use X-forwarding if need be.
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I plan on using mine at work.. we use a ton of unix based systems.. I can see it handy if I just need to ssh into a system run a command real quick.. perhaps use X-forwarding if need be.

shirely all u need is ssh-keygen :P
An update on my little issues...

Are no issues. With a little button mashing the down button is is responsive now and god knows what they did to the right shoulder button in the pub last night but it clicks nicely now :D

Back to my hang over!!!
. . . god knows what they did to the right shoulder button in the pub last night but it clicks nicely now :D

Your blokes from the bar randomly fix your things!?! I want them to train the guys I hang with. Mine're guaranteed to make things worse. (And fixing the shoulder button? From the forum posts I could see a sticky keyboard button, but not the shoulder.) :-b
. . . god knows what they did to the right shoulder button in the pub last night but it clicks nicely now :D

Your blokes from the bar randomly fix your things!?! I want them to train the guys I hang with. Mine're guaranteed to make things worse. (And fixing the shoulder button? From the forum posts I could see a sticky keyboard button, but not the shoulder.) :-b

You are right, it seems that the shoulder button is still sticky. If mashed in the right way it seems to work okay, but then during my frantic battle jewels it goes bad again.


Popped it open today and fixed the right shoulder button with the paper trick. It seemed that if you gripped the pandy too hard it would make the right button stick. I removed the foam and stuck that on the microswitch and then added paper to the switch and it is really responsive now. Also it let me fully tighten the right side of the case.

My pandy is now perfect :D
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