Pandora WiFi only works some of the time.


Still Fresh
Dec 8, 2004
Visit site
This is despite what my Pandora tells me, I can toggle WiFi on and off alright, but more often than not when it's on, I don't have any connection to WiFi so opening any browser for instance results in "server not found".

It does occasionally just work out of the blue, and when it does it's fine, does anyone know what could be the cause of this or could it be a fault in the hardware? :(

Would like to get this sorted before we go away, as would be useful to take only my Pandora rather than that and my Tablet, but if I can't rely on my Pandora for web browsing they I might have to rethink that.

Oh, and I have just updated to the latest Hotfix(6.4?) and sadly that hasn't helped, hoped that it might when I read the changelog.


[EDIT]What a plonker, perhaps Hotfix6 has sorted it, forgot I might have to re-enter my security key, seems to be working now, hopefully might each time from now on, wohooo!

Shame I can't just delete this thread, sorry guys.
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On a related note, is there any tricks to get youtube streaming smoothly? Seems at 360p it stutters badly even if I allow to buffer, 240p is fine but obviously very pixelated, perhaps this is as good as the Pandora can handle video streaming?
hehe, don't worry about the deleting Tetlee. I was actually going to suggest for you to check if you have too many registered access point connections. I had something like that and my Pandora refused to connect most of the time until I deleted about half of them, but now it's obvious that your problem was something else, which, since you solved it, is good to know anyway!
and no, pandora wont do youtube above 240p, no fullscreen either, its a flash thing, as pandora can handle some 720p videos over video players. your other option is to use minitube from repo to download videos off youtube and watch them in beter quality that way
and I've found out that my "jerkiness" issue with minitube was solved by upping the CPU speed to 800MHz so keep that in mind if you have playback issues.