Pandora shoulder button?


Still Fresh
Jan 1, 2011
ok i know the Pandora can emulate PS1, thats really awsome. But Didn't the console have "2" Shoulder buttons for each side? L1 L2 etc. and the Pandora only has one shoulder So how would you have acurate controls for the games on the PSX emulator for the Pandora.

I always played with a game pad on my PC which had these buttons, so I never had this problem. But now that I will soon be ordering my Pandora this came as a conern to me.

I guess to sum it all up, What will be secondary shoulder buttons for PSX emulators on the Pandora.
ok i know the Pandora can emulate PS1, thats really awsome. But Didn't the console have "2" Shoulder buttons for each side? L1 L2 etc. and the Pandora only has one shoulder So how would you have acurate controls for the games on the PSX emulator for the Pandora.

I always played with a game pad on my PC which had these buttons, so I never had this problem. But now that I will soon be ordering my Pandora this came as a conern to me.

I guess to sum it all up, What will be secondary shoulder buttons for PSX emulators on the Pandora.
I think only fighting games made them necessary, other games just used them for shortcuts. If absoutly needed then you can use keyboard keys for them. I only played a few games, mainly roleplaing games, and they either were not used or were shortcuts like I said. Crash Bandicoot also didn't use them.

Oh, also, I found out the other day PSX was actually a PS2 with DVD recording capabilities so when you refer to the first Play Station it is PS1, if it is the second Playstation it is PS2, and if you are referring to the Japanese only PS2 with DVD recording functionality then you should say PSX. I didn't know this either and always said PSX when referring to PS1. Geeky I know.

EDIT: It is kinda like Mega Drive, B and C had the same function on most games only a few made use of C. Once again it was only fighting games that made use of the C button.
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Technically there are 2 pairs of shoulder buttons, you just need to mod in some switches for the 2nd pair. Check out the Hacker's Manual.
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^ True but if they aren't needed for split second presses like fighting games I'd just map them to keyboard keys.
Do the N64 and PS1 emulators let you configure controls per game? It'd be a deal breaker if they didn't.
Oh, also, I found out the other day PSX was actually a PS2 with DVD recording capabilities so when you refer to the first Play Station it is PS1, if it is the second Playstation it is PS2, and if you are referring to the Japanese only PS2 with DVD recording functionality then you should say PSX. I didn't know this either and always said PSX when referring to PS1. Geeky I know.
It was always my understanding that Sony probably only called it "PSX" because the term PSX was still so widespread even by then. Many developers and magazines referred to the original PlayStation throughout its run as PSX. I'm certainly not going to start calling it something else just because someone tried to co-opt it into the name of something else. :P

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Well Dosen't really matter Prometheus, question answered so.../thread