Pandora Shipping Questions


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2008
The Netherlands, Overijssel
There where 2 threads in the past but one was locked and we didnt get real useful info out of them.

So here i ask again: i hate ups for trouble they always make, and thats why i selected airmail shipping.

But will the pandora be put in a standard bubble envelop or in a secure box filled with bubbles?
And will it be standard airmail or tracked and/or ensured?

Would like to know this. Thanks.
I also have a shipping question: if we live near Dallas can we just come pick it up once its ready instead of having it shipped to us? :D
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trooper said:
Sturatt said:
I also have a shipping question: if we live near Dallas can we just come pick it up once its ready instead of having it shipped to us? :D

This has already been asked, And answered, Way back in october 1st.

maybe i'm misreading it, but i don't think that's what he asked
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yeah, that isn't what he asked... He is asking what method of shipping they are using, and what method of packaging are they shipping it in. NOT where they are coming from.
When I ordered I asked them how much more it would be to ship UPS and included it in amount I sent them. I hope they don't forget that, maybe when they start shipping I should remind them with my order number to make sure. I chose UPS because the UPS guy knows were I live (I live in a rural area) and everyone else keeps it for a few attempts, gives up and hands it off to our post office. If it doesn't come UPS then it comes a few days late.
borgqueenx said:
the pandora sales team never replies to my emails lately....i wanna upgrade my order now!
Are you sending them to the right place?

This is my experience

to openpandorasales <>
date 12 November 2009 17:44
subject Re: Pandora Purchase
hide details 12 Nov (1 day ago)
Re my order # 56*****49

I would like if possible, to add a TV out cable to my order. If this is OK, could you please confirm and let me know the possible methods of payment (google checkout would be nice :-) )

from openpandorasales <>
to ***.********** (Yes, this is you.) Learn more
date 13 November 2009 14:56
subject Re: Pandora Purchase
Signed by
hide details 14:56 (2 hours ago)
Hello Bob,

Yes you can add a TV Out, will forward a Google invoice today.


EDIT: The Google Invoice was sent virtually at the same time as my email.

So faultless service. :D
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borgqueenx said:
Yes i am. I only ask to add a tv cable to my order and if she knows where my place is on the list.
Maybe it's the second part that's taking a while to calculate.
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In which case the professional thing to do would be to deal with the first part, and advise that a follow up email will be sent when the second issue has been resolved.