Pandora Powering Usb Hard Disks ?


Still Fresh
Oct 5, 2009
Does a pandora have enough power through its USB2.0 Port to operate a USB Hard disk, assuming thats its connected directly to the pandora, and not via a hub or anything ?
suffer1989 said:
So if a USB harddisk works on 1 port mode on PC it should work on the openpandora ?
It depends. Desktop PCs in general will often give more than 500mA from a single port. If the harddisk comes with one of those USB power splitters, then I think it will propably not run from the pandora. I've heard that 3.5" drives often dont work while 1.8" works. Dont know about 2.5", I think they might work just OK. Anyways its always upto the individual drive model on whether it works.
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3.5" are often 12v powered, maybe the recent "green power" 3.5" could work.
Most of the modern 2.5" HDD should be able to work because they're more power efficient than their predecessors.
1.8" are the best choice, small and low needs of power.
Anyway, if they work, they'll kill your battery charge in no time.

A solution could be using old MP3 HDD Jukebox since they use 1.8" and are self-powered.
Where can one buy 1.8" drives from ? And im pretty sure 3.5" wont work, im just curious about the 2.5" ones....
suffer1989 said:
Where can one buy 1.8" drives from ? And im pretty sure 3.5" wont work, im just curious about the 2.5" ones....

It depends on the drive for 2.5" drives, probably - generally, lower-power ones (lower RPM, less platters) would probably have a better chance.
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Can anybody with a pandora test a 2.5" hard drive ? I mean, im sure battery would be drained, but can they just test if it works ? What if the drive is formatted as NTFS ?
i can say that my Seagate Toughdrive 2.5" 80GB USB HD works well
used 1 USB port and no AC adaptor, this HD is designed to work with only 1 USB port
but it has got a AC adaptor port for use with USB 1.1 or older USB ports

but with my Pandora it works really well without additional power support

Käptn.Karacho said:
i can say that my Seagate Toughdrive 2.5" 80GB USB HD works well
used 1 USB port and no AC adaptor, this HD is designed to work with only 1 USB port
but it has got a AC adaptor port for use with USB 1.1 or older USB ports

but with my Pandora it works really well without additional power support


Thanks :D

Any word from anybody here on NTFS support ?
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NTFS support is added if the Community Codec Pack is installed.

I will warn you that my (admittedly, rare, as they've all been on other people's machines) experiences with that format under Linux have not been good, however, so do ensure you have your data backed up, just in case.
I just plugged in my usb 2.5 inch drive adapter thing into my pandora and all i get Unknown file system 'ext4'.

So yes it does work but I can't make it do anything else...

Also random request but OP team please add ext4 support. Probably have to use the latest kernel.