Pandora Os And Apps


Still Fresh
Aug 1, 2010
Hi all.

I'm new here and I am very excited about seeing this project. I sent and email about placing a payment for one of the Pandoras that are scheduled to be shipped out in October. As soon as I hear back I'll go forward with my payment.

Anyhow, I have a few questions on the OS and Apps that run on the Pandora. I already have on order a 7" tablet that runs an ARM processor. (Telechips 8901 720Mhz ARM 11 processor) what I wanted to ask is if the Pandora OS/Menu system would work on a device that runs also on the ARM processor. Also, will Pandora apps like game emulators work on another device that runs on ARM technology? I am really fiending for a C64 emulator that I can run on a small portable device (Pandora, 7" tablet PC, etc...) and have it hooked up to my HDTV. My tablet has 1080p HDMI out with USB ports for a joystick. The tablet appears to be a great device for my use at work and to hold me over until I receive a Pandora. Please let me know if the Pandora OS or menu system and Pandora designed apps could run on other ARM devices.

Welcome to the boards :)
Sounds like you've got an Android tablet. The Pandora OS will most likely not work on your tablet. Software would have to be recompiled for Android, so it won't work either.
I'm waiting to hear back from the company that sells the tablet. I'm hoping the OS can be changed like in netbooks. I have the Asus EEEPC netbook and I can run Windows or LINUX. The tablet runs WinCE I found out, but it doesn't mention whether you can modify the tablet to run a Linux OS or such.

I can't wait to hear back from the guys at Open Pandora. I emailed them at the address that says "Where to Buy". As soon as they get back to me on how to pay for the device I'll place my order.

Thanks for your response.

It's possible that some of the programs on the Pandora have been ported to your tablet already. I'd look into that first.

Also: bad news. The sub-batch shipping out in October has been already sold. Two years ago.
You can place an order for the second batch, which will likely start shipping between January and February next year.
fearofshorts said:
It's possible that some of the programs on the Pandora have been ported to your tablet already. I'd look into that first.

Also: bad news. The sub-batch shipping out in October has been already sold. Two years ago.
You can place an order for the second batch, which will likely start shipping between January and February next year.

Your argument is partly true because I pre-ordered (first batch) one 3 or 4 months ago because some people cancelled their order. :)
So, maybe.... but small chance. :P
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fearofshorts said:
Also: bad news. The sub-batch shipping out in October has been already sold. Two years ago.
You can place an order for the second batch, which will likely start shipping between January and February next year.

This may well be your assumption, but it is not what OpenPandora Ltd are stating. They claim to be able to start shipping batch 2 as soon as the first 4000 are shipped, and that can still be done by October if they can ship 2-300 per week from now.
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tsh said:
They claim to be able to start shipping batch 2 as soon as the first 4000 are shipped, and that can still be done by October if they can ship 2-300 per week from now.
So you're basically saying the second batch will start shipping about two months from now?
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SteveM said:
So you're basically saying the second batch will start shipping about two months from now?
I didn't mention kittens. End of October is not yet impossible.
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Ok wait a minute.

I just received an invoice to purchqase a Pandora for my girlfriend & myself. I understand from Jaquelyn that there may be some spots open from the initial release but that is slim. I was told that the 2nd release will be out by October so I take that as by the end of October the latest. What I'd like to know is this. Will I get my unit by the end of October? I saw a mention of January or February. If that is the case then I'd give up on purchasing a Pandora as I was hoping to get this unit for Christmas as I was planning to give it as a Christmas gift to my Girlfriend. Can anyone official clarify whether paying for my unit now will get me a unit by October or at the latest BEFORE Christams 2010? I'm not going to make a payment until I can find out what the release schedule is like now. Official people seem to say October, but I've heard others say that won't be so and in this very thread I see someone saying by Jan or Feb. What is the official release date? I don't mean a specific day of course, but at least a before Christmas 2010 or after type response would suffice.

The official word is October for anyone who ordered up to maybe 2 months ago (the precise cut-off depends on who cancels between now and October). That is the 1st 4000. I think you are ordering from the 2nd batch, which is planned to start (end of) October. So, provided you are fairly near the front of that 2nd 4000, Christmas should be very possible. If you waited till October to order, I think it would be less likely. If it helps, by October, it should be clear if good progress is being made.
Even if someone does come along with an "official release date", it will be completely meaningless, they tend to be based on the assumption that nothing will go wrong ever again. And if they do start shipping the 2nd batch in October (very doubtful), it doesn't mean production won't stop again before yours is shipped.
Jaquelyn is the voice of Craig's company and therefore a voice to be listened to. The reason you are hearing dates thrown around is because the Pandora missed many deadlines proposed by both the community and the developers (and mainly the suppliers and partners.) This mainly happened during development of the various parts. At this point the parts are made. The delay people are experiencing now is due to quality enhancement of the analog nubs. This shouldn't affect delivery too much longer, imho.

The safest way to ensure you get one by the time you need it is simply to order one. If it is not done by time, you will simply receive a refund and you can buy another product that is more readily available.
in other words, people were promised a Pandora on Christmas two years ago, and have just started getting them in april or so after PATIENTLY waiting for two years, so if you cant wait, dont even bother until pandoras start shipping as soon as you order which is a while from now, this baby obviously isnt for the weak of heart
You're going to get a lot of jaded responses from this community regarding dates.

I placed my initial order on September 30, 2008 - The first day pre-orders opened, though my order was not early on that day - and my Pandora was just shipped last week. This is after a year and a half of production estimations always being pushed back by delays. I'm not blaming OP for this - from what I gather they are not really to blame for the delays for the most part (I believe Craig at one point said he'd write a blog post detailing everything exactly that went wrong through the whole process... Should be an interesting read!), but you need to understand that we're rather jaded from all the dates and estimations that turned out to be overly optimistic. I doubt many of us believe the current 2nd batch estimations, and can you honestly blame us for that, given OP's track record for production dates?

Just something to bear in mind. Maybe you really will get your Pandora in October. Best of luck.
I ordered mine at the end of april, and despite being totally aware there was absolutely no chance whatsoever of me seeing it within 5 months, I was specifically told (I asked) that my Pandora would be shipped in May. That is really the only complaint I have with Pandora sales, I have followed the project since it's earliest moments through to now, and knew what to expect. I love the care they have taken of their customes, and I am in no doubt that I will get a Pandora and will be delighted with it, and any problems I have will be attended to professionally. What a shame they started off my involvment with such a bare faced lie, especially since it would not have affected my purchase. For all the openness, and good will of the customers (I would have ordered mine years ago if I had been able to afford it) I still feel no confidence in their truthfulness when it comes to production speed and delivery dates. Sure I see things started moving... then ground to a halt. I knew when I ordered mine I wasn't going to see it for a long time, they have my money - hopefully using it to overcome some difficulties, but the one thing you can always rely upon is they can and will be dishonest (or worse, totally deluded) when giving us realistic expectations.

Ok, so this is a criticism, one that's been made countless times and now I must no doubt suffer the wrath of all those who attack anyone saying anything negative about Pandora or it's makers. Just for the record, I look forward to getting my Pandora, if I get it before xmas I'll be delighted (yes, first batch order). My advice for anyone who wants one is pay for it now, and be patient. The longer you wait the longer it will take, and waiting with false expectations are part of the price we have to pay for what is certainly a marvel of both modern computing and a testament to a very dedicated and talented bunch of tenacious people.