Right. First and foremost DaveC fuckin rocks, so I am starting 2 new appreciation parties.
1 for him, representing bluntness and straight forward user orientated, friendly, hug a tree type stuff, coupled with a complex understanding of how emu's should look under any drug useage, nostalgic rose tints or wishful thinking. All if you please, with an easy and standardised menu system, and keystrokes (hell we have a whole gamut to call upon) and repleat with un-needed to be called for (as all the options and thinking are laid on) ample documentation that opens fast if required!
The second is for the un-nameable members of the OPT team. The actual assemblers.
Stand and take a bow please folks. :blush:
We shant demonise you too much for the odd crumb of tobacco or blim that winds its way to us in Daves hallowed cases (I personally would have treasured some spare weed you were throwing about, or at least smoked it) but each to their own. :blink:
Neither shall we further chastise you for screwing some folk royally, with or without any physical screws. :lol: The Royal families do likewise with full support :wacko:
Your efforts are due at least some praise and you are the anonymous posse at present.

As for Dave's frankness over the NUBS, well I believe that is subjective and unit dependant.
The new nubs will hopefully be better than the previous batch but I've had two units with very good, functional and useful ones and I think the machine is crippled without them, though I operate mainly in a hot-keyed XFCE environment and I didn't realise their worth until my first units touchscreen un-calibrated during its PSOD. Now I would be lost without them, or endlessly reaching for the melded stylus (which is decent, fits well and doesn't fall out) or using touch, which is fine for all but the titlebars of apps.
Dave is a minimenu adept

h34r: and wants it all via his d pad or generic touchscreen, with zero wish to
'just make a bindy bashy special scroll of +10 to mental acquity' re-jig it to personalise to your layout (wtf?)and pop it in the blender for some Wizzly Presto!
Nah I'm being timid, yet Dave, have you gotten the Timidity files for PrBoom working yet? I haven't. Despite downloading all known to man copies of the darn instruments files and shoving them all but up my ass, I am still aswell off as playing Doom on my fuckin Jag! :lol:
Now I cant comment on the Wiz but I did have a GP2x F100 and it was nice for awhile. I had a temperamental sod though, and it refused to playback music and videos it had previously been fine with for about 6 months and then became magically useable again.
I must have encountered a +10 mental health .sh script by accident. Its downtime and darn awkwardness to set many things up, firmly put me off its no doubt good capabilities and such I missed its great homebrew and the peaks of its time.
The Pandora is a dream to use in comparison, despite my Doom gloom, as bear in mind that all console versions of Doom worth a look at, do not work at present.
I have really enjoyed Fuse, Caprice & Vice to remember old classics with and I'm sure I tried at least Amstrad on the gp2x and it was impossible to use.
GpSp ginge wrapped PND works fine for me with zipped roms but this emu seems to be giving varied results, GnuBoy and Gpfce are also pretty good but I have yet to get Race working correctly.
Picodrive, Pc engine and Snes all seem really good but I have little to compare them too, so I am happy as it is.
PSX and Mupen are great for the games they do work for.
Ultimately though the Pandora is way overdue, its had a serious bitch of a time to get to market for all manner of reasons and hence there are simply few units outhere, so things may change very soon. B)
I still think its a great handheld and
truly the first pocketable full computer, as its desktop functions are good already and with debian etc will eventually be unsurpassed. :wub:
Edit: You cant say it isnt a full computer either, as we even have minesweeper thankyou very much!