Pandora As Virtual Usb Drive


Jul 10, 2008
Well, this idea was somewhere here in the forum but it was inside a topic that didn't had anything to do with it.

Will this be done? i mean if this is not official, at least anyone is willing on doing this?

My idea would be:
- a menu when the usb (slave) is conected
here u can choose if use the SD cards or a image file

- there should be a option to select the emulation type (HDD, CDVDROM,CDVD-RW, FDD, etc)
This should be fully functional emulation, like if using CDVD drive emulation, if the tray is ejected, there should be a menu to change the image or/and reinsert the tray. Same for FDD

- Compressed images support would be awesome too (7z/lzma/lzma2, bzip, zip)

It's a awesome and unique function (well, it was, it seems someone read that topic, and made that device that emulated a cd drive, with a screen for the menu , etc) and i would buy the pandora just for that function. (i am buying it anyways :P)

PS: sorry for bad english
Answering first question: since it's an OTG and HOST port, should work (most basic devices have these menus, ie: my phone brings up a menu to use phone as modem, USB drive, etc... I'm thinking the Pandora already has these customizations built into the OS)? If HOST then it will probably list storage as it is. For mounting as an image (disk of any sort), virtualization of some sort definitely needs to be done, but this begs the question.