Pandebian Share Won't Work

  • Thread starter Thread starter kind stranger
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kind stranger

Hello everybody,

I have been installing and reinstalling Pandebian, and each time, the Pandebian Share won't work. It says:

"Mounting the PND failed. The application wont start. Please have a look at /tmp/ pndrun_pandebian-share.out"

I went to read the file it told me to read. I don't understand any of it, but this is what was on the file:

---begin pndrun_pandebian-share.out---

PND             : /media/one/pandora/menu/PanDebian.pnd
PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs
APPDATADIR      : /media/one/pandora/appdata/PanDebian-Share
APPDD_FSTYPE    : ext3
PND_CPUSPEED    : <unset>
EXENAME         : pandebian-share.sosume
ARGUMENTS       : <unset>
[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------
mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/pnd/PanDebian-Share': File exists
Found a loop (/dev/loop0), using it
WARNING /dev/loop0 already mounted on /mnt/utmp/PanDebian /mnt/utmp/PanDebian skipping losetup - putting link to old mount
ln: target `/mnt/utmp/PanDebian-Share' is not a directory
Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,dirs="/media/one/pandora/appdata/PanDebian-Share=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/PanDebian-Share=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/PanDebian-Share"
/sbin/mount.aufs:mount.aufs.c:194: /mnt/utmp/PanDebian-Share: No such file or directory
WARNING : mount faild, re-tring
/sbin/mount.aufs:mount.aufs.c:194: /mnt/utmp/PanDebian-Share: No such file or directory
ERROR: The Union File-system is not mounted !
Loopback devices :
/dev/loop0: [b301]:1447327 (/media/one/pandora/menu/PanDebian.pnd)
Are mounted on :
/dev/loop0 on /mnt/utmp/PanDebian type squashfs (ro,relatime)
For these Union :
none on /mnt/utmp/PanDebian type aufs (rw,relatime,si=bfed55d2)
ERROR: The Union File-system is not mounted !
Loopback devices :
/dev/loop0: [b301]:1447327 (/media/one/pandora/menu/PanDebian.pnd)
Are mounted on :
/dev/loop0 on /mnt/utmp/PanDebian type squashfs (ro,relatime)
For these Union :
none on /mnt/utmp/PanDebian type aufs (rw,relatime,si=bfed55d2)
[ FAILED]--- Mount the PND ----------
Return code is : 8

---end pndrun_pandebian-share.out---

When I installed PanDebian I used the "Direct" option and not the "Loopback" option because the LoopBack didn't work for me. I installed Squeezy because none of the others installed for me. I have the 1ghz model.

Anybody know how I can fix this?
reboot - retry :)
Thanks for responding :)

I rebooted and retried, and got an error message that said:

"I couldn't find PanDebian. Please make sure you mounted PanDebian installation before using PanDebian Share."
Have you run Pandebian Pandebian before running Pandebian Share?
Hmm... in my system tab, I have Pandebian Installer. Then below that I have Pandebian Share. Then below that I have Pandebian one. "One" is the name/label of my left slot card. I installed in a folder named pandebian on my left slot card. On the same card I have my Pandora folders inside a folder named Pandora...

Maybe I need to install Pandebian right on the left slot card and not in a folder?
Have you run Pandebian Pandebian before running Pandebian Share?
Hmm... in my system tab, I have Pandebian Installer. Then below that I have Pandebian Share. Then below that I have Pandebian one. "One" is the name/label of my left slot card. I installed in a folder named pandebian on my left slot card. On the same card I have my Pandora folders inside a folder named Pandora...

Maybe I need to install Pandebian right on the left slot card and not in a folder?
I reinstalled Pandebian onto the root of my left slot card named "one". Then I rebooted, and did what Ryo suggested. I clicked on the "Pandebian one" thing ot start up Pandebian. This time Pandebian Share worked!

Thanks for your help guys.

Now, how do I update Squezzy to the latest debian version?