Overheating Of Entire Device


Still Fresh
Jan 19, 2006
I've had my Gp2x for quite some time(since mid-January I think)and this is the first time it's happened. While I was playing it during school I noticed the batteries were getting warm (usual), but after a few minutes the whole device was hot(not too hot like the batteries get sometimes). The screen ,the back(not just the battery compartment) so I turned it off and took the SD card and found out that was warm too.
yea that happens to mine all the time
it happens when i overclock and it happens when i dont overclock
it jus gets hot
I never overclocked it.

EDIT: I just checked the frequency in the CPU/LCD Tweaker and it says 199Mhz. What is the default?
KRiTTeR posted on Feb 23 2006 at 10:41 PM said:
I never overclocked it.

EDIT: I just checked the frequency in the CPU/LCD Tweaker and it says 199Mhz. What is the default?

That's it ... don't worry about it ... your "friend" likely OC'd it.
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Ok thanks. So 199Mhz is the default? And if it is'nt it probably was one if my friends because I bring it to school a lot and let them try it out, and so far I have I think 3 people who are now saving up for one.
Its probably your battery contacts... scrape them a bit, because i can overclock up to 300mhz and it doesnt get any hotter than 200mhz after a copule of hours of use. :)
If you have a new GP2X, you shouldn't have to scrape the battery contacts... What type of batteries are you both using?
aapje89 posted on Feb 24 2006 at 06:29 AM said:
yaustar posted on Feb 24 2006 at 10:30 AM said:
Nope, just luck of the draw.
just like the good 'ol gp32 :)... but then the pencil trick was invented! :P
God bless the pencil trick! Vectorman + Comix Zone = fullspeed with sound! :D

- Alex
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It will only happen with batteries. As the drain is increased even more energy is wasted through heat (means that allthough games run faster they still run out of battery as more energy is being wasted that just the drain of the 2x) so they get hot.