Ot: Does The Dsi Or Psp Go Have A Place ?


Sep 4, 2008
B.C Canada
I was out just killing some time and started checking out the PSP Go which was on display...

Now, I am not a huge gamer nor have I owned many handheld systems.. NeoGeo Pocket and GP2X being the only 2.

I am on the wait list ( from day 1 ) to get the Pandora mostly for the classics/retro. Love the old C-64/Dos/Arcade games.

Besides the obvious reason for owning one of the above mentioned systems being newer games...

I pose this question for those who do not play the newer games that only the new systems support..

1) Is there any place in ones collection for an alternate hand held game system if the Pandora will be added to said collection ?


Not as far as I'm concerned. As soon as I heard about the Pandora, any interest in the DS and PSP that I may have been entertaining dissolved instantly. Mainly because my only interest in them was for homebrew and hacking purposes. They would have been a stop-gap until the next hackable handheld appeared anyways. The Pandora should satisfy the niche perfectly for quite some time.
If I understood you correctly, you're asking whether one can... if... wait what? It... kinda sounds like you're asking for permission or rationalization to have both the pandora and a more commercial (you know what I mean) handheld. Sure, go ahead! If there's some exclusive title you want to play on another platform and you can spare the money, why not? I don't see owning a pandora being a barrier.

Did I understand what you meant at all?
In short, yes. The Pandora can safely co-exist next to a DS/PSP. Just because you go to the community theater doesn't mean you can't watch Gilligan's Island.
I'd say it can. In fact, I sold my PSP 1001 series to help pay for my Pandora. Havn't missed it a bit, and can't wait for the Pandora. :)
Well, if the question is "Can either system compete with the pandora for classic games?" The answer would be NO! The PSP can play some good emu's, but the lack of a keyboard or touchscreen simply kills any hope for anything worth a damn. The DS just really doesn't have the power to emulate many classic consoles and computers, but I have seen a few classic emulators that support one or two specific games. So if your looking to classic or old school gaming, the Pandora really stands alone.

Now I personally own a DS and PSP, and think they are both wonderful systems for the new commercial games that are released. There are many games for both systems that will one day be classics, just like most of what will be played on Pandy at release.

So if classic gaming is what your after, these handhelds really don't measure up to what the Pandora has to offer. Complete old school controls, touchscreen, dual analog, shoulder b., ect. It really is just the end of the line when it comes to that area of gaming. Now if your looking for some great current generation handheld games, the DS and PSP can't be beat. To many stellar games to mention. Although the classic well is fairly dry on these units in comparison to the Pandora, so keep that in mind!

B-ZaR said:
If I understood you correctly, you're asking whether one can... if... wait what? It... kinda sounds like you're asking for permission or rationalization to have both the pandora and a more commercial (you know what I mean) handheld. Sure, go ahead! If there's some exclusive title you want to play on another platform and you can spare the money, why not? I don't see owning a pandora being a barrier.

Did I understand what you meant at all?

My apologizes if I did not make sense.. I am not looking to buy a newer system nor looking for permission..
I was just interested in hearing the views of other Pandorians. People that exclusively fill their hand held gaming appetite with non-modern, more retro gaming.

Interested if they feel there is any place for a newer console in their collection with the obvious being either a modified console or maybe ( and I am not aware if there are many out there ) to play some classic re-makes.

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Eisner said:
B-ZaR said:
If I understood you correctly, you're asking whether one can... if... wait what? It... kinda sounds like you're asking for permission or rationalization to have both the pandora and a more commercial (you know what I mean) handheld. Sure, go ahead! If there's some exclusive title you want to play on another platform and you can spare the money, why not? I don't see owning a pandora being a barrier.

Did I understand what you meant at all?

My apologizes if I did not make sense.. I am not looking to buy a newer system nor looking for permission..
I was just interested in hearing the views of other Pandorians. People that exclusively fill their hand held gaming appetite with non-modern, more retro gaming.

Interested if they feel there is any place for a newer console in their collection with the obvious being either a modified console or maybe ( and I am not aware if there are many out there ) to play some classic re-makes.


Oh, OK. My answer is yes then :)
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I guess I'm not precisely the person you target with your question, seeing as I'm not exclusively a retro gamer. However, a quick look at what I have for my DS and PSP might be telling.

DS: Advance wars dual strike, Final Fantasy I, II and III, Powder (free homebrew). AWDS is an original DS title, FF 1-3 are ports from NES to GBA (FF 1&2) and DS (FF3). I got the DS for homebrew.

PSP: Disgaea, FF 5-7 (PS versions, 5&6 are SNES ports), Vagrant Story (PS). Disgaea is really my primary reason to have a PSP at all, but once I had it, there was reason to explore the possibilities.

The Pandora would certainly be capable of running any of these, if there's a suitable emulation. As for the PSP Go, its only advantage - tiny - is dubious. The downside of the PSP is the awfully slow screen.

But if it's a matter of a collection, collect! Just because one machine is enough to be out and about with is no reason to throw the others away (lack of space might be, but sell/give them to someone who wants them).
yannv said:
The Pandora would certainly be capable of running any of these, if there's a suitable emulation.

The original NES version of FF3, sure. But I don't have to tell you that the DS version is substantially different. The PSP Disgaea is also questionable.
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I'm pretty sure the DS 2 and PSP 2 are just around the corner, give or give.
My girlfriend was gonna get me a PSP for xmas, but I convinced her to put the money into my Pandora fund.