Osnes9x Blu+ Freezes


Mar 9, 2005
Totnes, Devon, UK
Although I am well-pleased to finally have this great emu on my GP32, I have been experiencing crashes under the following circumstances:

Changing settings from the menu after loading a rom
Playing any rom for more than 5 minutes

I am running the default setup and overclocking at 166MHZ, changed batteries and tried on mains aswell, anyone else experienced this problem?
you might be overclocking too high. And no, just because you can OC to 166 in other emus/apps, does not mean you can run that high in Osnes.

I can run 166mhz in DrMD and GP Engine all day long but only get a couple minutes in Osnes before it locks up, however I can run Osnes w/o lockups by turning the overclock down to 160mhz.

No idea why that would cause the lockups when changing settings in the menu... I haven't had any problems with Osnes on my BLU+.
Yeah bast is right. OSNES is a bit more power consuming than other 166 programs and may still cause your gp32 to crash. Sometmes though, I've found that some games won't require as much cpu power and it won't crash as often
I bought a 166mhz BLU+ from Jr2Swiss, and it will not run at 166mhz in OSNES9X. I don't think it worked at 166mhz in DrMD either, but I do remember for sure that when I tried running at 166 in osnes9x, it crashed. The highest I go now is 156. I haven't really tested it in anything else because there hasn't been the need to run at a higher than default speed in any other program so far, so I'm not bothered by it.
Interesting because my FLU runs OSNES9X fine at 166MHZ on freame skip 3 with no sound perfectly. I have not done any MODS to it just got one of the lucky ones.

However, I wish some one would add more compadability to emulators like OSNES9X and DR.MD.

However, Rlyeh's emulators for MSX, GameBoy Color etc have an extrenly high compadability and right now don't have all the other fetaures but will most most all games.

When F-day is here then the much needed emulators will be here.

Anywats back to my point....

However, if I overlcock GPLYNX at 166 it will lockup, 160 does the same thing. While I am in the game or menu's.

Now if I run it at 156 then no lockups. In either of the 3 modes the sound is very bad and chopy on most games but with no sound get full speed as well.

The main problem with over clocking is most people don't have their gp32_console over clocked and are lucky to get 156 or 166.

That being said most if the creators of these emulators just have your standard gp32_console and do not have the means or do not care about over clocking.

Some one wiht the programming skills who is willing would just need to take the time and make over clocking more stable, just remember wiht over clocking any CPU is not going to be as stable etc....
Its all about the emulators. The Osnes9x, and Drmd are ports

of Snes9x (i think zsnes is better but it will never be porte due to x86 or w/e compatibility stuff)

and of Genesis Plus i believe? Anyway the drmd one is ported from a well not too good emu, i think it would be better compatibility, to port it from multiple emus (if thats possible) or ask the creator of Generator (decent emulator) or Gens (BEST genesis emu byfar) for the sourcecode :P
DrMD is coded from scratch using the CPU core from Gigadrive (Cyclone-Genesis Plus) and parts of FGENs sound emulation (PSG, YM), and DrZ80 from DrSMS which was coded by Reesy so it doesn't count as someone elses code.

Also, a port of Gens would be too slow for our purposes. The extra features it has would be useless on the GP32, so what would be the point of porting it.